In a recent incident in Tampa, Florida, Pinellas County Judge Dorothy Vaccaro advised a 21-year-old defendant in a misdemeanor DUI case against using medical marijuana to alleviate her anxiety. Vaccaro argued that the defendant, who claimed to suffer from anxiety, did not have sufficient grounds to use the drug. Stating that the woman should instead...
In 2008, a U.S. military veteran, Derek Harris was arrested in Louisiana for attempting to sell 0.69 grams of marijuana to an officer of the law for $30 [1]. Harris was later convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison, of which he has served 9 years. In 2012, his sentence was increased to life...
Have you got an ACE marijuana vending machine in your neighborhood? A company called Terrapin from Boulder, Colorado, has done something pretty useful. They’ve installed ACE – Automated Cannabis Experience vending machines in Aurora, Colorado. The device is found at its Aurora store at 11091 E. Mississippi Ave., near East Mississippi Avenue and South Havana...
When we think of cannabinoids, the first thing that comes to mind is marijuana. However, cannabinoids can also be found in other plants that are completely unrelated to cannabis. While these plants enjoy the benefits of these compounds, they don’t produce the “high” that marijuana does. Let’s explore six non-marijuana plants that are high in...
A man from South Carolina wrapped electrical tape around his dog’s snout to stop her barking. The dog, named Caitlyn, was stuck in this state for 36 hours before her neighbors found her and called the authorities. The owner, 43-year-old William Dodson received a five-year prison sentence, the state’s maximum for animal cruelty. But at...
If a teenager might be planning a school shooting, what should their parents do? Nichole Schubert found herself in this predicament. She was cleaning her 17-year-old son’s room when she found his journal detailing a murder spree. But after a few hours of anguished deliberation, she called the police to inform them about her son’s...
Virtually all medical interventions have both pros and cons. Taking medications is no different, and they always come with a risk of side effects. Usually, those side effects are less troublesome than the condition that you are trying to treat. Sometimes, however, they can be a whole lot worse. This is especially true when it...
Researchers are finding more and more uses for medical cannabis. The latest of these is cannabis-based antibiotics that have the ability to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. (1, 2) Cannabis-Based Antibiotics At the beginning of last year, separate studies at McMaster University in Canada and the University of Queensland found that cannabis-based antibiotics might just be what...
Despite over 50% of China’s 1.4 billion population being male, the country fears a sperm shortage due to low-quality sperm. (1, 2, 3)To help combat the issue, Chinese company Jiangsu Sanwe Medical Science and Technology invented an automatic sperm extractor. Now available in many hospitals around the country, this is what they are and how...
1776 Gastonia, a new 55+ housing development located in Gastonia, North Carolina, is set to make a unique requirement for its homeowners: flying the American flag outside their homes at all times.1 As the founder of Great American Homes, Brock Fankhauser sees 1776 Gastonia as a community that places the American dream at its core....
It’s that time of year again: Spooky Season. The time when kids and adults alike get dressed up in costumes and either go trick-or-treating through the neighborhood or go to Halloween parties. While the candy was always great, the most fun part of Halloween has always been the costumes. You can dress up in something...
A plant that remains controversial in many parts of the world could be the secret to saving the bee population. The plant in question is the marijuana plant. It turns out, bees and cannabis go together like, well, bees and honey. (1) Bees and Cannabis: How The Marijuana Plant May Help The Bee Population Bees...