dresses that record groping
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
December 16, 2023 ·  4 min read

These Dresses Record Groping Because So Many Men Won’t Believe Women

Women are the subject of unwanted sexual advances and physical contact all the time. Despite this, they often have a hard time being believed. In 2018 Swiss beverage company Schweppes teamed up with Brazilian advertising agency Ogilvy to create dresses that records groping. This is their “Dress for Respect” project. (1)

Dress For Respect: Dresses that Records Groping

After hearing numerous complaints from women that even men they trust don’t believe them when they experience sexual harassment, Schweppes and Olgivy created dresses that record groping using built-in sensors. (2)

Three women were then sent on a night out wearing the dresses. The dresses and a camera crew captured just how many times the women experienced unwanted physical advances. (2)

At the beginning of the video, the camera crews asked a few men outside of the club how big of an issue they thought sexual harassment is for women. These men all denied the issue. (2)

The dresses quickly proved them wrong. In less than four hours, men touched the women non-consentually 157 times. (2)

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The Sensors

There are sensors in the dresses that are connected to computers via a wifi connection. These sensors work to detect when where and how the woman is touched.

In another room, the team watched on a computer which shows up as a heat map. The most-touched areas of the body were the backside, arms, and lower back.

When you do the math, this project shows the women being touched without consent once or more times every five minutes. (1)

While this isn’t peer-reviewed research, the results are not encouraging.

Proving a Point: Women Deserve Respect

This dress is just meant to prove a point and will not be made available commercially. The goal is to show how much sexual harassment women have to deal with in their daily lives.

The reality is, women should not need a dress that records unwanted advances; men should just respect women. If a man wishes to approach a woman at a nightclub, bar, cafe, grocery store, anywhere – they should approach with respectful conversation. Touching without permission in any way is harassment. Period.


Women are the subject of unwanted sexual advances and physical contact all the time. Despite this, they often have a hard time being believed. In 2018 Swiss beverage company Schweppes teamed up with Brazilian advertising agency Ogilvy to create dresses that records groping. This is their “Dress for Respect” project. (1)

Dress For Respect: Dresses that Records Groping

After hearing numerous complaints from women that even men they trust don’t believe them when they experience sexual harassment, Schweppes and Olgivy created dresses that record groping using built-in sensors. (2)

Three women were then sent on a night out wearing the dresses. The dresses and a camera crew captured just how many times the women experienced unwanted physical advances. (2)

A screenshot from the commercial created by Ogilvy and Schweppes showing the 'heat map' of the... [+] touches made to the dress at the night club in Brazil.
A still from the commercial created by Ogilvy and Schweppes showing the ‘heat map’ of the touches made to the dress. Image Credit: OGILVY/SCHWEPPES

At the beginning of the video, the camera crews asked a few men outside of the club how big of an issue they thought sexual harassment is for women. These men all denied the issue. (2)

The dresses quickly proved them wrong. In less than four hours, men touched the women non-consentually 157 times. (2)

The Sensors

There are sensors in the dresses that are connected to computers via a wifi connection. These sensors work to detect when where and how the woman is touched.

In another room, the team watched on a computer which shows up as a heat map. The most-touched areas of the body were the backside, arms, and lower back.

When you do the math, this project shows the women being touched without consent once or more times every five minutes. (1)

While this isn’t peer-reviewed research, the results are not encouraging.

Proving a Point: Women Deserve Respect

This dress is just meant to prove a point and will not be made available commercially. The goal is to show how much sexual harassment women have to deal with in their daily lives.

The reality is, women should not need a dress that records unwanted advances; men should just respect women. If a man wishes to approach a woman at a nightclub, bar, cafe, grocery store, anywhere – they should approach with respectful conversation. Touching without permission in any way is harassment. Period.

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  1. ‘The Smart Dress That Is Bringing Sexual Harassment Into The Limelight’ Forbes Meriam Berboucha.