Sean Cate
Sean Cate
February 16, 2024 ·  3 min read

American Airlines Wants Lawsuit Dismissed After Teen Girl Finds Camera in Lavatory

American Airlines finds itself in a legal battle as it attempts to dismiss a lawsuit brought forward by the family of a teenage girl who allegedly fell victim to a privacy volition. The case revolves around the discovery of a camera placed in an airplane bathroom, implicating one of the flight attendants put it there. The accused is Estes Carter Thompson III, a flight attendant for the massive airline company. American Airlines asserts that it cannot be held accountable for the criminal actions of its employees, without prior knowledge or indication of such behavior.1

The Case Against American Airlines

The incident in question took place during a September 2023 flight from Charlotte to Boston. Thompson, the accused, allegedly lured a 14-year-old girl to the bathroom under false pretenses, where she discovered a hidden camera set up. Despite the victim’s prompt action in capturing evidence, the family says American Airlines exhibited negligence by allowing Thompson to continue to have possession of his phone during the flight, allowing him to potentially tamper with any evidence for the case.

Months later, another family filed a similar lawsuit after Thompson allegedly targeted a nine-year-old girl on a separate flight. You know the saying; one time can be a fluke but twice can be signs of a growing pattern? Both of these allegations have earned legal proceedings against the airline and the accused, with families seeking justice for the violation of their children’s privacy and safety.2

American Airlines Responds

In response to the lawsuits, American Airlines is defending its position vigorously. But the previous assertion, as reported on WSOC News, that it “cannot be held liable for the intentional acts of its employees without prior knowledge or indication of such behavior” does fall a life flat after the first allegations came forward. The airline is fully cooperating with law enforcement in their investigations but contends that it had no reason to suspect Thompson’s actions. Bit of a shakey ground to stand on since it is no longer his first offense of the same nature…

Despite the gravity of the allegations, American Airlines underscores its commitment to stringent hiring and supervision protocols aimed at ensuring passenger safety and well-being. The airline emphasizes its dedication to addressing any security lapses or employee misconduct to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.3

As legal proceedings continue, the company is actively seeking to be removed from the lawsuits. Yahoo News reported that the airline has pledged to provide authorities with any requested information to facilitate the investigation, highlighting its cooperation with law enforcement efforts.

For now, Thompson remains in federal custody. The lawsuits against American Airlines raise complex legal questions surrounding corporate liability in cases of employee misconduct, which has prompted scrutiny of airline safety protocols and passenger protection measures.

What Are the Broader Implications?

The allegations against American Airlines and its one employee (in this case) underscore the necessity of better oversight and accountability in the airline industry. As legal battles unfold, the airline faces scrutiny over its hiring practices and employee supervision. The outcome of these lawsuits will undoubtedly have significant implications for corporate responsibility and passenger safety standards within the sector, hopefully across a broader platform as well.

American Airlines seems to remain committed to addressing the allegations and cooperating with authorities to ensure justice for the victims involved. And as the legal process unfolds, the aviation industry closely watches the outcome, recognizing the broader implications for corporate accountability and passenger safety protocols.


  1. American Airlines is Trying to Dismiss Lawsuit Brought By Family Of Girl Who Was Secretly Filmed by Flight Attendant in Airplane Lavatory.” Paddle Your Own Kanoo. Mateusz Maszczynski. February 6, 2024.
  2. 2nd lawsuit alleges American Airlines flight attendant recorded girl in lavatory.” WSOCTV. February 07, 2024
  3. American Airlines asks judge to dismiss lawsuit after teen girl finds hidden bathroom camera.” News Nation Now. Logan Jennes. February 6, 2024.
  4. 2nd lawsuit alleges American Airlines flight attendant recorded girl in lavatory.” Yahoo. February 8, 2024