clear plastic bag filled with water
Leah Berenson
Leah Berenson
March 15, 2024 ·  4 min read

People Are Hanging Bags of Water Above Their Doors to Deter Bugs. Does it Work?

Winter is nearly behind us, and we find our way into Spring, then Summer—the warmth from the feeling of the sun shining on our skin. The flowers blooming around us. Birds and other baby animals make their way back into our lives, and so, too, do the bugs. Those pesky little creatures are, for some, a hassle, while others view them as downright disgusting. Either way, there are popular methods for ridding our homes of these little creatures, but there’s some debate regarding the success of specific methods.

Simple Technique to Eliminate Bugs

A popular method for deterring bugs has surfaced online in the last few years, and it involves a few odds and ends found around most people’s homes. Simply take a heavy-duty freezer bag and fill it with water. Then, add a dash of salt and lime, and the main ingredient- a few coins. Once finished, seal the bag, then hang it above doors, windows, or anywhere else that bugs may be prevalent in your home. It’s important to note that there are no specifics available regarding the number of coins or amount of water needed.

The idea is that the water and coins reflect the sunlight, skewing the bugs’ vision. For indoor use, just ensure there is a lamp or form of artificial light nearby to reflect off the “repellent.” It seems like an odd solution to the pesky bugs that arise each year, namely flies. However, the idea is just as simple as the tool is to make.

How it Supposedly Works

Supposedly, the light reflects off the coins, becoming blurred in the water. Ultimately, “disorienting” the bugs. Others have argued the reason for this tool’s success, is because insects become unnerved at the sight of their own magnified reflection, while others have explained that it has to do with light refraction. This is why sunlight or other types of artificial light are important.

Scientists explain that light refraction causes the bugs to be faced with various optical illusions or mirages, supporting the idea that bugs become disoriented or “confused.” Lastly, bugs like the housefly get their sense of direction from the sun. Therefore, distorting sunlight can in turn, distort flies and other bugs’ perception.

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Fly head at different angles.
Photo Credit: How Stuff Works

Bugs, namely houseflies. have anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 simple eyes that make up the majority of their heads. As such, they have the ability to see in all directions, which makes them difficult to catch, but incredibly easy to confuse.

This method of staving off bugs is simple, eco-friendly, and cost-effective. Yet some have argued whether or not it’s effective at tackling the problem of bugs making their way into homes. Meanwhile, these bags can be seen hanging on patios in restaurants and bars and at people’s homes.

People have not only given mixed reviews for this method but have also had mixed results regarding the type of bugs this works on. Some have specifically reported success with just houseflies. Meanwhile, others have expressed it working for all different types of flying bugs.

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Simply a Placebo

In contrast, some have even made the claim that this method doesn’t work at all. In fact, some have chalked it up to just an old wives’ tale or superstition. On the other hand, it’s believed that this method is merely a placebo effect, allowing people to simply feel better about the number of bugs flying in or around their homes and businesses, using an analogy relating to a door-to-door salesman. He, or she, promises an incredible result using an “affordable” product, but there is no actual evidence that one is the cause or result of the other. This means there may be no correlation at all between using this tool and successfully ridding your life of pesky bugs.

Encouraging more Bugs

Or perhaps this tool does something entirely different to bugs, Professor Mike Stringham argues that in actuality this tool “exacerbates” the problem. Stringham is a professor of entomology at North Carolina State University and did his own experiment, postulating something that differs from either side. For 13 weeks he monitored the results of using this method on two egg farms, finding that in both cases, there was actually an increase of housefly activity in the area surrounding the bags. But the study wasn’t conducted using a light source and, therefore, may not be valid because it didn’t adhere to all the same conditions.

Some other simple and natural ways to protect your home from bugs include using essential oils like peppermint to rid your home of moths. Citronella, lemongrass, or rosemary can also help to prevent mosquitoes, while lavender, peppermint, and lemon can deter spiders.

While putting coins into a bag with water may or may not be effective at staving off bugs, it’s so simple and cost effective, that it’s certainly worth a try.

Read More: Boxelder bugs: A Household Pest You Should Never Squish


  1. Many People Are Hanging Bags Of Water Above Their Doors To Deter Bugs.” Homemaking. Lauren Kochanowski. July 17, 2019.
  2. Can a Bag of Water Keep Flies Away?How Stuff Works. Robert Lamb. July 28, 2023.
  3. Why you really should hang a bag of water over your door this summer.Newsner. Michael Panter. May 24, 2018.
  4. How to Keep Bugs Away Naturally.KBA. Kelly Ventura.