turning up the heat on a radiator
Sean Cate
Sean Cate
January 22, 2024 ·  2 min read

Your Heat Should Be On 8 Hours Daily in the Winter, Experts Claim

As winter is gripping North America and the UK with colder temperatures, the dilemma of balancing warmth and energy costs becomes a significant concern for households. Experts from BoilerCentral and the Department of Energy provide insights into the optimal duration for home heating, dispelling myths and offering cost-effective solutions.1

Ideal Home Heating 

BoilerCentral suggests a general guideline of 8-10 hours of heating per day, emphasizing the importance of factors like insulation and home size. While small, well-insulated homes may require 6-8 hours, larger residences might need 10-12 hours. The recommended times for heating coincide with early morning and after sunset when external temperatures drop, maximizing efficiency. Practical tips, including programmable thermostats and draft stoppers, are shared to enhance central heating efficiency.

Contrary to the belief that keeping the heating on low all day is cost-effective, BoilerCentral debunks the myth. They highlight the Energy Saving Trust’s stance that constant low heating leads to unnecessary energy consumption, emphasizing the impact of insulation quality on heat loss throughout the day. Kiplinger echoes this sentiment, suggesting that turning the heat off completely may not be optimal, as it can lead to frozen pipes and reduced overall heating efficiency.2 Instead, maintaining a low temperature is recommended for substantial energy savings in home heating.

Smart Solutions and Additional Home Heating Tips

There are a number of options when it comes to having a warmer home for less money. Smart thermostats as an effective solution, providing convenient control through smartphones and enabling temperature scheduling. To further reduce heating costs, an array of energy-saving tips is offered, ranging from conducting energy audits and insulating homes to using LED lightbulbs and considering solar panels. The article stresses the significance of proper insulation, suggesting it as a wise investment to cut down on future bills.

The Department of Energy advises setting thermostats to 68°F to 70°F during the day and lowering them by 7°F to 10°F when away or sleeping, potentially saving up to 10% annually on heating and cooling costs. Kiplinger provides a holistic approach to energy savings, including tax credits for home improvements, using energy-efficient appliances, and practicing water and clothing conservation.

Navigating the winter chill while optimizing heating costs requires a nuanced approach. Experts recommend tailored heating durations based on home size and insulation, dispelling common myths. Smart solutions like programmable thermostats and a holistic energy-saving approach, encompassing insulation and efficient appliances, contribute to substantial savings. As households grapple with energy bills, understanding the balance between warmth and cost-effective heating becomes crucial.

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  1. Heating should be on for eight hours a day during winter, experts say.” Joe. Charlie Herbert. January 18, 2024.
  2. Should You Leave Your Heat On All Day or Turn It Off? Which is Cheaper?Kiplinger. Erin Bendig. December 15, 2023.