Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

December 27, 2023

Scientists Amazed At Health Of Man, 87, Who Has Not Washed For 65 Years And Eats Raw Roadkill

There are still things that scientists have no answer to, and you could say that this 87-year-old man is among them. He is special, to say the least. Scientists have inspected him from top to bottom.

Their conclusion: he has no health issues. However, the man has not bathed for over 65 years! And, to add to that, he survives off of roadkill.

Amou Jaji: The Homeless Man That Baffled Scientists

Precisely 67 years ago, Amou Jaji was convinced that bathing brings bad luck, and that it would eventually be the cause of his death. So ever since then, he has not washed. Additionally, presently, Jaji’s diet only has roadkill – that too, raw. Examples include porcupines. He drinks from water puddles to satiate his thirst.

Sadly for Jaji, the way he lives his life has made it tough for him to have friends or a girlfriend. His favorite activity to pass time with is smoking an animal manure-filled pipe. Needless to say, this did not make him any more endearing to society.

Amou Jaji
Image Credits: CEN

Jaji was living inside a hole in the ground all on his own before some villagers took notice of him. To his amazement, they built a shack for him. They were apparently impressed by how dedicated Jaji was to maintaining his lifestyle.

His shack is in Dejgah village in Fars, a province in the south of Iran. Medics visited Jaji to carry out tests and see if Jaji has any serious diseases or unhealthy bacteria. But, to their wonder, Jaji is quite healthy!

Read: “Home-Free” Man Lives in Sheep-Drawn Covered Wagon, Thrives on Mostly Milk and Wild Edibles

The Man Remains A Mystery

Exper scientists were keen to know about the kinds of lifeforms, such as parasites, that may have made Jaji’s body their home. But, Jaji is generally healthy despite his disregard for personal hygiene. What’s more, is that Jaji had never suffered any serious diseases even though he prefers to eat raw roadkill. He also refused to drink sterilized water.

Jaji, now 87, does keep tabs on what is going on with global politics. He has talked about historical events like the Russian and French Revolution with his visitors.

However, the recent publicity has made his life tougher. His neighbors still hold respect for him. But Jaji said that now there are some occasional hooligans who turn up to taunt and sometimes throw stones at him.

The local governor has issued a public appeal to the people to leave Jaji be. He said that even though he might look like that, Jaji has always been gentle and an interesting person to meet and talk to.

Dr. Gholamreza Molavi, Tehran’s School of Public Health’s associate professor of parasitology, conducted the tests on Jaji. The scientist believes that Jaji’s health is because his immune system developed enormously due to his lifestyle and diet.

He explained the medics tested Jaji for every kind of disease that can be – from all the types of hepatitis to parasitic infestations. However, the only thing they found was a symptomless Trichinosis infection.

Truly, an exemplar of the mysteries of the human body.

Keep Reading: ‘I can not give him up’: Greensboro man experiencing homelessness chooses dog over housing, much-needed surgery


  1. Scientists Baffled By Good Health Of 87-Year-Old Who Hasn’t Washed for 65 Years And Eats Roadkill.” Lad Bible. Abbi Murray. January 19, 2022.