matted fur
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
May 16, 2024 ·  1 min read

Dog with Matted Fur that Almost ‘Looked Like a Wig’ Taken in by Rescue — Today She’s Unrecognizable

Not just humans, but animals require regular haircuts as well. Their shaggy fur can, otherwise, get very difficult to manage. Sometimes they are in such a precarious condition that the hair on an animal’s body looks like matted fur. For those who are unaware, matted fur can lead to a whole host of problems, along with being a substantial weight that the dog would have to carry with itself. Quite recently, a stray dog was picked up by a rescue team for a haircut, because the fur on the poor animal’s body had grown to such an extent that it looked like a wig.  

Dog With Matted Fur Enjoys Spa Session To Get Rid Of It

This rescue was undertaken by Mac’s Mission- a nonprofit from Missouri- that helps special needs dogs. The team had found this dog in the middle of the road and the covering of fur was so thick, the dog could barely be seen under it. The dog- called Pear- “didn’t even look like a dog” but rather “looked like a wig” — “just a wad of hair.

Needless to say, the rescue team immediately took the dog with the matted fur with them and she was treated to a lavish spa session where she was groomed and pampered for a few hours. 

Rochelle Steffen, the founder of the Nonprofit, mentioned, “We got her cleaned up, shaved down, and a bath to get rid of any grime and fleas. She got settled into one of our spaces and fell asleep pretty quickly.” During the entire process, the Pear- without the matted fur now- laid down like a good girl and enjoyed every moment of it. Steffen stated, “She was the sweetest and just sat there while we got all the terrible thick matts of her which took quite a while.

Keep Reading: Cat stuffed in paper bag, left in dumpster now safe thanks to rescuers