A photo was recently taken by photographer Alberto Ghizzi Panizza. It shows the moon surrounded by what looks like a celestial rainbow.

The captivating shot was taken in Parma, a northern city in Italy.
We all love full moons. Actually, I’d say we’re a little obsessed with moons. If there’s a lot of traffic, or maybe you’re a little emotional that day, we blame any changes in our lives on the full moon that is making an appearance.
Full moons are one thing, but I don’t think I’ve witnessed something as beautiful as this celestial rainbow.
It’s the first time I’ve seen this multi-colored optical phenomenon. The rare event even has a name, lunar corona.
What is a Lunar Corona?
Lunar Coronas are seen when light rays are scattered/diffracted by droplets. This happens when the clouds are very thin. Many droplets make a corona when individually scattered in the moonlight.
Any particle small enough can create a corona. This includes ice crystals in high clouds and wind-drifting pollen grains [2].
The Celestial Rainbow Photograph
Just like many of us, Alberto Ghizzi Panizza is at home because of the lockdown. But being a current at-home photographer also has its perks. Alberto has all of his camera equipment at home with him!
So, when Alberto heard that a Lunar Corona was going to make an appearance, he gathered all the equipment he needed at took hundreds of photos of the ringed moon.
“I have seen this phenomenon several times, but I had never been able to photograph it,” Alberto stated. “This time, seeing it from home for the lockdown, I had with me all the necessary equipment to best capture this moment,” [1].
Alberto also had time to be patient. He waited two hours to capture the perfect shot.
“Between 10 pm and 12 am, I took a few hundred photos of the moon that created halos, iridescences, and crowns among clouds and veils” [1].
Celestial Rainbows for All: Other Notable Lunar Coronas

“The featured scene was captured with three combined exposures two weeks ago on a cold winter morning in Manitoba, Canada. The colorful rings are a corona caused by quantum diffraction by small drops of water or ice near the direction of the Moon.“
The photographer who captured this breathtaking sight didn’t intend to see this. But, as he was on his way to work, he saw this phenomenon and decided to take a picture [3].
“To the sides are moon dogs, caused by light refracting through thin, flat, six-sided ice platelets as they flittered toward the ground. Visible at the top and bottom of the 22-degree halo are upper and lower tangent arcs, created by moonlight refracting through nearly horizontal hexagonal ice cylinders.“

This full-moon lunar corona was captured in 2012.
The photographer, Petr Horálek, shot this faint lunar corona with a Canon 550D, Tamron 70-300 mm, ISO 200, HDR of 7 expositions.
Keep Reading: FM radio signal found coming from Jupiter moon
- “Stunning image shows the moon surrounded by a celestial rainbow as light reflecting off the silvery surface is split by water particles in the air.” Daily Mail. Emer Scully. January 28, 2021.
- “Ringed Moon – Lunar Corona.” Atoptics.
- “Moon Corona, Halo, and Arcs over Manitoba.” Science. February 24, 2020.
- “Full Moon lunar corona.” Astronom.