Jade Small

Jade Small

April 3, 2024

5-year-old gets bitten by neighbor’s labrador – this sets off the family pit bull who does the unimaginable

Pitbulls have had a bad stigma put against them for a long time. Many people breed them for illegal dog fighting, and so society has been groomed to believe they are aggressive. Then, when it comes to labradors, they are seen as goofy love balls that shed way too much hair. This is an older story of how a labrador and a pitbull reversed roles. The labrador lashed out at a little girl, biting her face. Then, her family’s pitbull heard her cries and rushed in to save the day.

Tank, the Labrador VS. Trigger the Pitbull

Back in 2014, the Hernandez family had been saving every spare penny to take their daughters on a dream vacation to Disney World. As they eagerly awaited the time when they would have enough money to leave, tragedy struck. Five-year-old Remayah Hernandez and her sister were out riding their bicycles. Their family pitbull, Trigger, was in their backyard enjoying the sunlight.

Trigger, the superhero pitbull
Image credit: Facebook

Remayah had always loved dogs, having grown up with Trigger. So, when she came across the neighbor’s labrador, Tank, her first reaction was to pet him. But, this was a very dangerous mistake as Tank suddenly lunged at Remaya, biting her face and drawing lots of blood. Remayah screamed loudly for help.

Trigger had been trained as a puppy to stay within the walls of this family’s back garden. But when he heard Remayah’s screams, he could not resist the urge to help her. He jumped the fence and ran to save his tiny human from the labrador. Next, he ran to her rescue and attacked the labrador, who was no match for the pitbull’s strength. He saved his little human from being bitten to death.

Read: I slept with my beloved pit bull — until he tried to eat me alive

Rushed to hospital

Remaya’s mother, Lucilia, had heard her daughter’s screams at the same time as Trigger. By the time she reached them, her daughter’s face was covered in blood, and Trigger had already fought Tank off her. They called an ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. Sadly, the family had to use all the money they had saved for their Disney World trip for the plastic surgery on Remayah’s face. “She’s a tough cookie,” said mom Lucila. “I think I was crying more than she was!”

Remayah was bitten by a labrador
Image credit: Facebook

Labradors are not natural fighters which pit bulls are assumed to be. Even though Trigger had never been trained to fight, he won hands down. Animal Control found Tank and took him in as he had obtained injuries during the fight with Trigger. After some time, they had to put him down.

Their neighbor had locked Tank up in his backyard while he went to work. So, he wasn’t there when the attack happened. When he heard what had transpired in his absence, he was in disbelief, but grateful Remayaah was alright. According to him, this was abnormal behavior for his labrador and he believed Tank was innocent. “He was very friendly with all of the kids, he was a great dog. He was a very nice dog,” he said.

Trigger, the Pitbull Superhero

This story serves as a reminder not to judge a book by its cover. In this case, do not assume a certain breed will behave in a certain way. Remayah’s story is a pure testament to that because she was bitten by a dog whose breed is thought of as sweet and loving and saved by one that is typically thought to be aggressive.

Image credit: YouTube

Later on, a fundraiser was created for the family in the hopes it would raise enough money to pay for Remayah’s plastic surgery. Thankfully, $1,000 was raised, and the Hernandez family was able to actualize their dream of going to Disney World. To this day, Remayah and her mother refer to their pitbull as their superhero. “To me, he’s like a hero. He’s a protective dog,” Lucila said. “We taught him to be protective and caring for the family.” Then, Remayah chimed in: “He’s a superhero.”

Keep Reading: Dog Saliva Causes Ohio Woman to Lose Legs and Arms


  1. “5-year-old girl bitten by neighbor’s dog, family pet pitbull helped save her from the attack” WPTV News. November 2014.