disgruntled woman in orange sweater
Sean Cate
Sean Cate
November 6, 2023 ·  4 min read

Psychologist Shares Two Rebuttals So People Don’t Insult You Ever Again

In our daily lives, we often face situations where someone attempts to insult or belittle us. These encounters can occur at work, within our relationships, and, at times, even within our own families. However, the key to effectively dealing with insults is not letting them affect us. Insults typically stem from the other person’s own insecurities and unhappiness. In this article, we will explore two insightful strategies shared by a psychologist on how to respond to insults gracefully, potentially preventing future insults from the same individuals.1

Responding with Empathy

Grayson Allen, a graduate of the University of Cambridge known for sharing psychological tips and tricks, offers valuable insights on addressing insults. The first approach he suggests is responding with empathy. According to Grayson, when someone insults you, it often reflects their own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. To address this, he advises taking a moment to pause and assess the situation. After this pause, approach the insulter and inquire about their well-being with genuine empathy or a convincing display of empathy. This approach is designed to address the deeper issues of the person who insulted you, potentially diffusing the situation.

@graysonpsychology TikTok
Image Credit: @grayson.psychology | TikTok

Empathy is a powerful tool. By showing understanding and compassion, you can disarm the insulter and create a safe space for them to express their concerns without resorting to insults. This approach often reveals that you are unwilling to engage in a verbal battle, and instead, you choose to connect on a human level. The insulter may feel heard and understood, leading to a positive shift in the dynamics of the conversation. Furthermore, choosing empathy allows you to maintain your composure and grace, even in the face of insults.

The Strength of Ignoring an Insult

Grayson’s second piece of advice is to simply ignore the insult. He suggests that when someone insults you, especially in a one-on-one or group setting, the most effective response is to maintain your composure. Avoid changing your facial expression, stay relaxed, and continue discussing the topic you were originally engaged in. This response can make the insulter uncomfortable and reveal their intention to those around you, shifting the control of the situation in your favor. By demonstrating that you are unfazed by the insult, you maintain your dignity and composure while undermining the impact of it.

Ignoring an insult is a powerful strategy that takes away the insulter’s power. By refusing to engage with their negativity, you show that their words have no influence over you. In group settings, this tactic can be particularly effective as it highlights the insulter’s actions to others, making them appear inconsiderate and rude. This approach helps you maintain control over the situation and your emotional well-being. It also communicates your strength and resilience in the face of negativity.


2 comebacks to any insult. If you use these people will know not to pick on you or bully you ever again. Things will help you gain respect socially so make aure you master these speaking tips! #comebacks #comeback #insult #bully #socialpsychology

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Choosing Grace Over Insults

Insults often arise from the insulter’s own insecurities and emotional turmoil. Understanding this fundamental truth enables you to choose grace and empathy over confrontation. Grayson’s strategies empower individuals to respond in a manner that deescalates the situation and prevents future insults from the same individuals. By offering empathy or ignoring insults, you demonstrate emotional intelligence and resilience.

Choosing grace over confrontation can have a profound impact on your interactions with others. It allows you to navigate challenging encounters with bullies effectively and maintain your dignity. Remember the saying, “No one can humiliate you without your consent.” By mastering these approaches, you can gracefully handle insults and build more positive and respectful relationships with others.

@graysonpsychology TikTok
Image Credit: @grayson.psychology | TikTok

Responding to insults with empathy or by ignoring them showcases a high level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions while also understanding and influencing the emotions of others. By responding empathetically, you show that you can empathize with the insulter’s emotional state, which is often characterized by insecurity or unhappiness. This level of understanding can lead to more meaningful and constructive communication.

Additionally, ignoring insults demonstrates your ability to manage your emotions effectively. Instead of reacting impulsively, you maintain your composure and focus on productive conversations. This skill is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and addressing conflicts peacefully.

Dealing with insults can be challenging, but responding with empathy or by ignoring them can be highly effective strategies. Understanding that insults often stem from the insulter’s own issues allows us to respond with compassion and composure. Whether you choose empathy or to ignore the insult, these techniques empower you to maintain control of the situation and deter future insults. Remember, as the saying goes, “No one can humiliate you without your consent.” By mastering these approaches, you can navigate encounters with bullies more effectively and with confidence.

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H/t – Ladbible, @graysonpsychology