When the world becomes mundane, it should be your main priority to make it exciting again. What better way to do this than to gain a new perspective on things! Here is a group of 30 different pictures taken of things that are ordinary and extraordinary, but from an angle, you might never have thought of before. Get ready for a mind-expanding saga, scroll down, and enjoy!
- Six AAA batteries packed together Apparently Makes a 9 Volt Battery
Who else feels like their whole life was a lie right now?
2. Blue whale’s Blowhole Looks like a Dog’s Nostrils
These nostrils thankfully blow water, not snot
3. Beijing Traffic Control
It’s like playing a game of Where’s Waldo
4. Power Lines are Installed by air
Who would have guessed that a helicopter was involved with this setup?
5. Photo of a Space Shuttle Leaving our atmosphere
Easily confused for a tiny candle!
6. An Eyeball After a Cornea Transplant
These are the effects of a cornea transplant surgery on an eyeball, in case you were curious to know.
7. Cyclists Will understand
A professional cyclist’s legs after a long-distance cycle tour.
Read: Watch the Amazing footage of Niagara Falls Collapsing In 1954
8. Human Embryo in Early Stages
This embryo is presented to you from the tip of a needle.
9. When you Slice a Cactus in Half, This is What you See
It almost looks like a starfish!
10. Golf Balls Are Colorful on the Inside!
At first glance, you might have thought these were fizzing balls for an aromatherapy bath.
11. The inside of an Air mattress
This air mattress looks like an old cave through night-vision goggles!
12. This guitar looks like an expensive contemporary apartment
13. Modern Battle Ship Looks like a Space ship
It’s all about perspective
14. Medieval Torture Method? OR the Making of Ronal McDonalds Statue?
Quite the ambiguous picture at first glance.
15. Netherlands Laying Down Bricks
They always have that knack for genius.
Read: Photographer ‘Accidentally’ Captures Incredible Photos of a Brilliant Green Meteor
16. Your Furby, without Fur
This is Worthy of a Horror Film
17. This A Supermarket During Passover in Israel
If you are just visiting, you better be aware!
18 View from the Top of Mount Everest
It’s hard to imagine that this is the summit of Mount Everest!
19. The Inside of DeadMau5’s Mouse Helmet, You’re Welcome
We thought you ought to know.+
20. Fireworks have a labyrinth inside them
This explains the systematic explosive that creates such a beautiful effect! (Do not try this at home)
21. Artichokes are Beautiful, not Just a Delicacy
Artichokes are more than just a means to a great snack. Many people do not know that it grows as a flower before it is chopped down and served as a vegetarian delicacy.
22. The Inside of a Bungee Cord
Enough to give you the heebie-jeebies.
23. A Half Built Escalator
No wonder our parents raised us being terrified that escalators will eat u whole!
24. Underside of a Lily Pad is Quite Trippy
The intricacies of nature continue to mesmerize us every day.
25. These Little Beans Make Lego Pieces
Everything has to start somewhere!
Read: Nearly Frozen ‘Slurpee Waves’ Captured On Camera By Photographer
26. The Inside of a CT Scanner
Without the cover, a CT scanner looks like something built by NASA.
27. A Bomb On the inside
This is a lot less threatening when you look at it from this angle…
28. Blood Vessels Inside a Human Hand
The human body is truly remarkable thing.
29. The Inside of a Pool Table Looks like a Model for a Factory
You can almost see the little figurines in overalls walking down the bridges
30. The Inside of a Tortoise Skeleton
To finish off, we have a truly remarkable creature. No wonder they survive for so long.
h/t: Boredpanda
Keep Reading: A Talented Photographer Captured the Rare Scene of a Pod of Ten 40 ft Long Sperm Whales Sleeping Vertically