Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

May 21, 2024

This Wooden Potato Planter Has a Door To Easily Access Your Home-Grown Potatoes

Growing your own potatoes hasn’t always been an option for many people. For some it’s because they don’t have the right kind of soil, others live in an apartment or home without enough space, or perhaps their backs simply can’t handle the amount of bending required to dig the spuds out of the ground. Thankfully, this wooden potato planter makes it incredibly easy for anyone to grow potatoes in even the smallest of spaces.

Wooden Potato Planter with Easy-Access Trap Door

This wooden raised-bed potato planter has a door on the side that allows you to open up and easily remove potatoes from the soil. No more need back-bending work or a large garden space – these planters could even fit on your apartment balcony.

For just $6, you can purchase this DIY wooden potato planter design plan off of Etsy. The plan provides you with all of the instructions you need to build your very own potato planter. The plan itself is quite flexible, making it easy for you to install as many doors as you want, whether you want just one or you want a door for each side.

The Box Details

The Etsy plan shows you how to build a planter box that is: 

  • 28 inches tall x 24 inches long x 24 inches wide
  • Requires approximately $35 worth of parts

Don’t worry if you are new to building projects such as this – the plan is perfect for beginners. With nine pages of instructions for you to follow, it lays everything in a step-by-step way that is easy to understand and accomplish.

Plenty of Choice

There are several different designs for you to choose from that allow you to build a potato planter that fits your unique needs. Check out these options below:

One thing is for certain: it will feel amazing when everyone is raving over your mashed potatoes this Thanksgiving and you can tell them that you grew the potatoes yourself. 

Happy gardening!

Read More: The Hexa Robot Chases the Sun to Keep Your Plant Happy