Jade Small

Jade Small

December 8, 2023

Woman’s Twitter Thread Breaks Down How She Scammed A Scammer Back

If you’re anything like me, you love shopping online. From online stores to purchase items from regular people on the Facebook marketplace. Basically, buying things online is simple and easy, and you don’t even have to leave your home! One thing we often forget is how rife online fraud is. This woman, however, saw right through the lies, and she scammed a scammer!

Accordingly, with the new PlayStation 5 console’s recent release, you can imagine the frenzy and chaos of online buyers trying to get their hands on the new gaming device. With the pandemic, most retailers have decided only to sell the consoles online. This has caused a problem as automated bots buy up all the consoles to make a quick profit on resale[1]. Needless to say, this console is rare and hard to get your hands on, which can lead to scammers taking advantage.

As mentioned above, this awesome woman scams a bad guy who tried to rip her off and, as a result, shared her experience on Twitter.

How it Started

After having her money stolen in a scam online, this woman was on high alert when she was contacted by someone selling their PS5 console. He claimed his console had been a gift. But it was the wrong version, so he just wanted the same resale value back for it.[2]

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

After that, the woman goes on to say that she went ahead and sent the man some money towards the console.

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

Of course, the man is a liar and doesn’t send anything; he asks for the rest of the money, claiming his daughter is ill and he needs it as soon as possible to help with her doctor bills.

scammed a scammer

The very understanding woman then asks the man for some more proof.

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

The woman is thrilled and excited when he comes through and sends the proof, as she requested.

via Twitter @_beeev

And this is when she realized, she’s been scammed!

via Twitter @_beeev
scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

Of course, things like this happen, and it’s at our own risk. Often, the bank cannot help us get our money back—a hard lesson to learn about being too trusting when buying things online.

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

At the same time, the woman tries again to get hold of the scammer.

scammed a scammer
scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev
scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev
scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

This was when the woman decided to play at the scammers game, and she shows us how it’s done!

We think this is brilliant and well done to her for thinking this far in order to find this scamster!

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

The plot thickens – she’s now found his address!

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

This is where the story gets even funnier

The woman sends him messages saying she’s found him and knows where he is. Without him realizing it, when he changed his Twitter handle again, he leaves the woman to even more information. Including that of his family members. How she scammed, a scammer continues…

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

How She Scammed a Scammer. Part 2

The woman decided to take things even further. But, a fight was not enough. Because she knew this guy wasn’t the brightest spark. Accordingly, she decides to contact his family.

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

Finally, It gets more intense…

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

As shown above, we think she did a pretty neat job at her fake email! Basically, the woman goes back to her life and waits.

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

Scammed a Scammer

So, the woman who was scammed for the PS5 is thrilled. She’s now in contact with the man’s fiancé, and she’s not happy to hear about what happened and tells @_BeeEv that she is so sorry her partner has done this to her.

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

And Then, the guy actually sends her a message!

scammed a scammer
via Twitter @_beeev

At this point, the scammer still doesn’t realize what is actually happening. He begs her to drop the “charges” against him and then claims he will pay her back.

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

And then, just like that, she got paid back. Therefore, She successfully got him back, just by pretending to be a law firm.

via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev
via Twitter @_beeev

Keep Reading: TikTok Is Watching You – Even If You Don’t Have an Account


  1. PS5 restock: Sony Direct sold out, but there’s hope for tomorrow.Tech Radar
  2. Twitter: twitter.com/_beeev