empty wallet
Sarah Biren
Sarah Biren
December 13, 2023 ·  6 min read

What’s the Worst Thing That Is Legal? Here’s What People Said.

Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s okay. While laws are put in place to keep a semblance of order in society, many people take advantage of loopholes. Although these things are technically legal, they still irk the moral compass of others. So Reddit user Musuhubber started a thread, asking, What’s the worst thing that’s legal?” 

In the replies, people were eager to criticize the structure of certain laws, blights on personal rights, and just plain creepy things. Very little went un-scrutinized in this discussion, but here are 15 of the top offenders, including sketchy cop practices, scam college textbooks, and online breaches of personal data. And that confounded exit button on pop-up ads. 


I cannot for the life of me understand how it is legal to stalk a person for blocks and blocks, sticking a camera into their face and even take pics of their minor kids. 

 “And don’t come at me with the ‘celebs knew what they were signing up for when they got into Hollywood.’ They’re human beings too; they deserve an ounce of privacy.” 


Businesses earning big cash on paying their workers a wage that is barely enough to survive, making them do a mindless, boring job 14 hours a day.” 

Unfortunately, sweatshops didn’t die out from the industrial revolution. They still exist, with their monotonous work, long hours, criminally low wages, and often unsafe workplace conditions. Sweatshops are still the underlings of various retail industries, with the shops located in the United States and overseas. [1]  

Youth beauty pageants 

I’m just gonna have to say little girl’s beauty pageants. It just doesn’t sit right with me. And not only because of the fact it’s creepy, but I feel like it’s stressful on the kid and on their body image.” 

Lying cops 

“Cops are allowed to lie in interrogations. Lots of false confessions made by people that are told their DNA is all over the crime scene, etc.  

Additionally, interrogation tactics could sometimes be so intense and forceful that some people confess just to make it stop, relying on the evidence to clear them. However, there are many cases where a false confession could land innocent people in jail. [2] 

Car radio commercials 

“The fact car radio commercials are allowed to have police sirens or car crashes in them as a way to get your attention.” 

Neglectful mothers 

Women being able to have child after child even when all their previous children were taken from their custody due to drug use and neglect.  

Pop-up ads 

The size of the “x” button on pop-up ads.” 

Serving size 

Also unrealistically low ‘serving sizes’ on packs of crisps or candy. They do this just so they can put the number of ‘calories/fat/sugar per serving’ as a lower number.” 

Writing off fines 

When corporations are fined millions of dollars for breaking the law they can write it off on their taxes.  

The United States Public Interest Group, a nonprofit advocacy group, conducted a study on the 10 largest settlements from 2012 –2015. The companies involved had to pay almost $80 billion to quell the investigations. However, the study found that the companies “can readily write off at least $48 billion of this amount as a tax deduction.”

That means a $17 billion loss in federal tax revenue, which more than what the Internal Revenue Service gets from estate taxes in a year. Essentially, citizens are helping to pay for the companies’ alleged wrongdoings. Somehow, that’s legal. [3] 

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College textbooks 

College book prices and practices. 

 “Change a few words in a math book, that’ll be another $100 please. 

 “Oh, you realized that you can use the book from 10 years ago and succeed? Actually, we require you get the new book. 

 “Oh, you realized you can get the book cheaper from a friend? Actually, we’re doing online books now, and you need the personalized code. We change it every year even though there have been no breakthroughs in this subject! 

 “Knowing the college struggle, I have no f*cking clue how this is allowed to exist. It should literally be illegal.” 

Puppy mills 

Yes, some states they’re still legal. And where they’re illegal, irresponsible backyard breeders are legal.” 

Essentially, puppy mills are high-volume breeding facilities that churn out dogs while ignoring the babies and their mothers’ needs. This inhumane practice leads to the dogs being sick and unsocialized. Unfortunately, most puppies sold online and in pet stores are from mills. It’s one of the worst things that’s legal when it comes to animal mistreatment.

Instead, buy dogs from responsible breeders who take care of their dogs. [4] 

Sick days 

Being penalized for calling out sick from work. Edit: Even while the whole world is trying to survive this pandemic, we’re still dealing with this major issue by employers. I work in health care, and I feel like I get shamed by my managers and coworkers when you call out. Especially when you work the night shift.” 


Multi-level Marketing.”  

This commenter didn’t need to say more. MLMs walk a very fine line with pyramid schemes. MLMs involve getting people to sell cosmetics, wellness products, etc., to their personal social network and recruit friends and family members as sellers for an increased commission. This looks very similar to pyramid schemes where only the top people make money, and everyone else is duped. 

While there are supposedly legitimate MLMs, it could be difficult to distinguish them from the scams. In the Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing case, C. Steven Baker, director of the FTC’s Midwest region, said, “These defendants were promising people that if they worked hard, they could make lots of money. But it was a rigged game, and the vast majority of people lost money.” [5] 

Taking personal data 

“Being forced to fork up your personal data and access to EVERYTHING in your phone to use a stupid app that makes a picture of your dog sing. It should not be allowed at all. 

 “Edit: this applies to many apps. I didn’t have just one in mind.” 

Unpaid internships 

Unpaid internships, especially after graduating from college. They need money, not ‘experience’.” 

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  1. “Sweatshop.” Britannica. Kathleen Sheetz.
  2. “This psychologist explains why people confess to crimes they didn’t commit.” Science Mag. Douglas Starr. June 13, 2019. 
  3. “Settling for a Lack of Accountability.” U.S. PIRG. Phineas Baxandall, Ph.D. and Michelle Surka. December 2015 
  4. “Stopping Puppy Mills.” Humane Society. Mark Greenberg.  
  5. The fine line between legitimate businesses and pyramid schemes.” Chicago Tribune. Greory Karp.February 10, 2013