June 28, 2024 ·  4 min read

What your Egyptian Zodiac sign says about your life? The accuracy will stun you!

1. Egyptian Astrology

Like Indian Astrology, Egyptian Astrology too is home to 12 Zodiac signs. However, unlike months, Egyptian Astrology includes different days spread over different months that constitute one zodiac sign. With the exception of one zodiac (The Nile) all signs here are represented by an Egyptian God each. Read on to know more…

2. The Nile (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

The first sign of the Egyptian zodiac is called The Nile. These people are very passionate in life and want to start new things . They try to avoid conflict at all costs.

3. Positive Traits

People born under this sign are very peaceful and passionate and observe the world strongly around them — they are good communicators. On the flip side, such people sometimes get carried away with their emotion, landing them in trouble.

4. Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11)

The second Egyptian zodiac sign is Amon-Ra. Such people are controlled, confident and make for very good leaders. They are happy-to-go lucky and take life as it comes.

5. Traits

Those born under the Amon-Ra Egyptian God sign are talented and optimistic. It is said that they have an aura of royalty around them. The best part about them is that they are always optimistic in life!

6. Mut (January 22-31, September 8-22)

The Mut is a symbol for the mother. These people are naturally warm loving and make for good parents — they are nurturers who will often go to great lengths to protect their family.

7. Traits

Such people are warm souls, who are overtly protective about the people they are close to — on the flip side, they are shy, reticent souls who find it hard to bare their heart out to people.

8. Geb (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Those born under this sign are kind-hearted and sensitive. They are emotional and are deeply moved by anything and everything that is wrong around them.

9. Traits

Such people are sensitive souls — they are deeply committed to the feelings of others and they have a lot of compassion. On the flipside, they are sometimes too emotional and people might just take advantage of them.

10. Osiris (March 1-10, November 27-December 18)

It is said that people born under the Osiris Egyptian zodiac sign have two sides to their personality. They might be strong on one side and emotional and vulnerable on the other.

11. Traits

Such people are good with beginnings and they remain optimistic all their life. They are adventurous souls who are in constant search of some excitement in life. On the flipside, they are sometimes overconfident, which people might perceive as being snobbish.

12. Isis (March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

People born under the sign of Isis are very direct. They are straight as an arrow and don’t pretend. They are natural protectors.

13. Traits

Since such people are too direct, they can sometimes be misunderstood as being blunt and rude. However, they are lovable creatures who carry their heart on their sleeves.

14. Thoth (April 1-19, November 8-17)

People born under this sign of Thoth are creative and good problem solvers. They listen to the problems of everyone and come up with a solution in no time — they are good orators.

15. Traits

Such people are very romantic and are usually found in stable partnerships — they have an uncanny ability to see the good in others and are always looking for some adventure in life.

16. Horus (April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

It is said that people born under the sign of Horus have a lot of courage. They are always in charge of things and love to be in leadership roles.

17. Traits

Such people are very courageous. They are risk takers and have charismatic personalities and easily make friends. They are mostly surrounded by their loved ones.

18. Anubis (May 8-27, June 29-July 13)

People born under this Anubis Egyptian astrology sign love being on their own. They are are essentially introverts who need some time out to be introspective.

19. Traits

Such people are very passionate and creative. They are emotional and sensitive and prefer to be in solitude. They perform the best when they are working by themselves.

20. Seth (May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2)

Such people are dreamers who are always seeking change in life. They are good communicators who love to be in action — they are always jumping from one place to the other and detest a slow pace in life.

21. Traits

Such people want their life to be complete in all ways — hence they are always looking for new adventures. On the flipside, such people are also commitment phobic since they find it difficult to stay with one person for a long time.

22. Bastet (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

People born under Bastet are searching for peace and balance in their lives. They are very intuitive and are often seeing helping others with their problems. They are good communicators.

23. Traits

Such people love peace and hate to be part of any confrontation —- they are physic souls who have the knack of somewhat predicting the future as well!

24. Sekhmet (July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7)

People born under the Egyptian God sign of Sekhmet are very down to earth. They do well in positions of power. They love luxury, but don’t let success go to their head.

25. Traits

Such people have two-sides to their personality. On one side they are strong and disciplined, on the other, they can be vulnerable and weak. However, they balance themselves very well in life.

Written by: Ishita Sharma.

This article was originally published on Speaking Tree.