Did you know there is an abundance of gross things that actually benefit your health? It’s true! So many things that seem yucky, the kind that may give you the heebie-jeebies, are actually good for us. We have made a list of the best examples so you may stop avoiding them. You never know; you may have been making your life difficult for no reason.
1. Sweat!
Sweat is not the gross thing you thought it was. We have been trained by our senses to be repulsed by the scent of sweat. However, we only sweat when we are too hot, and it is your body’s way of protecting you from overheating. It’s only if you eat things like onions or spicy curries that your sweat starts to stink.
2. Gross Things like Vomit
A good old purge always does the trick! Even though so many of us have uncomfortable puking experiences, it is actually a good thing. It is how our body forces out the toxins that make us feel gross. You know what that says… It’s better out than in!
3. Leeches!
This one is an age-old wives’ tale. Or, so we thought. Movies set in the old days showed so-called “quack doctors” that would cover their patients with leeches. These are those worm-like bloodsucking creatures. Research has shown that leeches actually do help. Doctors have used them during surgery to promote blood circulation.
4. Maggots!
Maggots are probably some of the gross things most people are not thrilled to see in their trash cans. But, many people are too consumed with their reputation that they do not consider what maggots bring to the table. In emergency settings, maggots can literally clean an open wound by eating the dead flesh! They just need to be placed on the wound, and they’ll do what they do best.
5. Gross things like Ear Wax
Ear wax might be one of those gross things, and one might get embarrassed if someone points out that their ears are “dirty.” But that is actually the opposite of what is happening. Just like snotty in your nose, ear wax is there to protect your ears from dust and other tiny particles that pose a threat.
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6. Tiny Skin Crabs
You know those tiny bugs that live on the surface of your skin, which can only be seen through a microscope? Most of us just pretend like they don’t exist because they’re really gross things. Well, as horrifying as they are, they serve a great purpose. Their function is to remove dead skin cells. This prevents bacteria from forming and, thus, keeps you clean.
7. Duck Blood Soup
Blood can be a nutritiously rich food source. In Poland, they are fond of using every last piece of the animal they are cooking. Waste not, want not is their culture. Next time you come across a Polish restaurant, ask if they have duck blood soup!
8. Cod Liver Oil is One of the Gross Things, for Sure!
Other than smelling gross, cod liver oil has some amazing health benefits. If you are looking for a good source of vitamins A and D and omega-3s, this is a great option. If you are not overly fond of the fishy breath, you might want to take them in capsules.
9. Gross things like Mucus
When we are sick, our bodies produce a gross substance known as mucus. This is one of the gross things our bodies do that is amazingly beneficial. It is how we flush out the toxins.
10. Eye Goop
When you wake up in the morning, you tend to have bits of crystalized eye goop gathered in the corners of your eyes. No one is exempt from this, and it is actually unavoidable. They are the tears that our eyes release while we sleep. However, because our eyes are closed, they gather in the corners of our eyes.
11. Bloody Sausage
Scottish and Irish people would agree here. Bloody sausage, or black pudding, is a delicacy served in this country as a breakfast protein. It is packed with iron and protein, making it a valuable addition to your diet.
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12. Cow Brains are Gross Things that are Good for You
It’s safe to say that brains are not at the top of everyone’s shopping list. However, it might interest you to know that it is full of necessary vitamins. One might benefit from niacin and iron. As well as vitamins B12 and C. Don’t worry, you’re not going to turn into a zombie.
13. Fecal Transplant… The Most Gross Thing
Yes, you read this correctly. So, no need to test your eyesight again, or question your glasses prescription. Studies have shown that if is healthy person transplants their fecal matter to someone who has questionable health has astounding benefits.
14. Grasshoppers and Caterpillars
Caterpillars and grasshoppers are two of the gross things that few people enjoy eating. However, more of you might consider adding them to your diet plan if you knew the nutrition they promise.
15. Discharge
For those that do not know, vaginal discharge is actually a good thing. It is the female body’s way of getting rid of unwanted bacteria in their nether regions. Depending on the color might tell you about your health.
16. Fish Icecream and Moose Fat are Gross Things that are Super Healthy
This might not seem like a real thing that people eat. But, the Inuits consider it a delicacy that is best served with some berries. This is a great food source for those omega 3’s and 6’s
17. Poop
Better out than in? Definitely. Have you noticed how your stomach bloats when your metabolism is not keeping up to speed? We all need to have regular bowel movements, as this is how our body excretes toxins. Keeping your poop in is only going to cause detrimental health concerns.
18. Water Blisters are Pretty gross things
Most people get an irresistible urge to pop those watery blisters that form when we wear the wrong type of shoe for too long. This is strongly not recommended. They tend to do this as a protective mechanism for friction on your skin. Leave those blisters, they will heal perfectly well by themselves.
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- “23 Gross Things Actually Good for You.” Good Great Health. Dianna Gates. June 30, 2023
- “8 ‘Gross’ Things Your Body Does That Are Actually Good For You.” Yahoo. Casey Clarke. December 31, 2022
- “6 “Gross” Things That Are Shockingly Good For You.” Bustle. Carina Wolff. August 22, 2018.