Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

August 23, 2024

24-year-old woman with ‘biggest lips’ in the world has spent $5,000 on fillers and still wants to go BIGGER

Lip fillers or injections are a relatively common procedure. Plenty of people have them done every day. The goal, naturally, is to have bigger, fuller lips. As we age, typically our lips become thinner, so the procedure is especially popular as people get older. With the currency pressures today to have a certain “look”, however, more and more young people are having fillers done. This 24-year-old Bulgarian woman claims to have the world’s biggest lips thanks to fillers and injections – and she’s not done yet.

Fillers Have Given This Woman The World’s Biggest Lips

Twenty-four-year-old Andrea Ivanova has some pretty, well, big beauty goals. Her number one goal is to have the world’s biggest lips, and she may have already achieved this. The young woman has already received at least 27 lip injections and fillers to enhance her natural lip size. Ivanova, from Sofia, Bulgaria, has said that she hopes the injections will make her look more like a Bratz doll. (1)

“I like them a lot and feel much better,” she said.


Naturally, Andrea has been receiving fillers for quite some time now. She had her first fillers done several years ago because she was feeling self-conscious about her lips. According to her, they were too thin. Immediately after her first injections, she felt more confident about her appearance. She says she also began to receive more attention from men.

“Many men from all over the world would write to me on my social media networks offering me money, trips and inviting me to meetings all the time,” she explained.

She Has Spent Quite A Lot Of Money to Spend on Fillers

Naturally, all of these injections come with a cost, and not just a physical one. Each injection costs her about $265 USD. In total, she has now spent more than $5000 USD on her, frankly, massive lips. On top of that, her lips aren’t the only procedure she has had done. She has also had a face lengthening and contouring procedure that cost her about $660. She’s had plenty of other costly procedures and modifications done, and not just to her face. (2)

She Has Many Fans

Ivana has many, many fans. She has 17.8 thousand followers on Instagram. Many of her photos are filled with comments from male admirers. Comments include people telling her that they think she is gorgeous and that they really love her lips.

“Fantastic,” wrote one man. “I would love to be the man who has the honor to have wonderful dinner with you…let me know…” 

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She Also Has Many Haters

Of course, as with anyone with a large online following and a highly specific look like hers, she has attracted as much negative attention as she has positive. People have commented on her posts calling her ugly and disgusting. Many people comment telling her that she needs to get psychological help.

“There are people who like me with bigger lips, and there are people who like me with smaller lips, but it doesn’t matter to me, because it’s important for me, how I like it.”  she said.

As she said, it really isn’t about other people. It’s about her and what she likes. No matter what anyone else says, she likes her look and wants to continue to pursue it.

“I like my lips now, more than before and I feel very good and very happy with them because according to me, with bigger lips I look prettier,” she explained. “I’ve always wanted to be different, stand out from the crowd and be more eccentric. In addition to huge lips, I also have a silicone bust, 600 cubic meters of silicone on the breast, a total of 1,200 cubic meters. I also wear more makeup, I like heavy dark and glamorous makeup, artificial hair and large eyelashes,”

You Don’t Need Surgery To Be Beautiful

All people, but especially women, are subject to impossible beauty standards these days. We spend hours scrolling through social media staring at the faces and bodies of stars, celebrities, and influencers wishing we looked like them. The reality is that they don’t even look like them. With makeup, procedures, and even worse, Instagram filters, no one looks in real life how they look on social media. Despite this, we continue to compare our natural, everyday bodies and faces to their Instagram-perfect ones.

Not that there is something particularly wrong with cosmetic procedures. Plenty of people have them done and are happy, confident people. Unfortunately, there is a much higher prevalence of mood disorders in those with cosmetic procedures than in those without. In fact, studies have found that at least 44% of cosmetic surgery patients have suffered from a psychiatric disorder. The most common of these is depression and generalized anxiety. Naturally, the researchers found a correlation between these and low self-esteem and self-image. (3)

The point is, if you are considering a cosmetic procedure, consider why before. If you are thinking anything along the lines of ‘if I just have XYZ done, then I’ll be happy with myself/how I look’ then I’m here to tell you: You likely won’t be. Before going under the knife or needle, instead, try to think of the reasons why. 

You are beautiful and don’t need expensive and potentially dangerous procedures to be that way. If you are struggling with self-esteem and confidence, instead try seeking out help to build this with the need to modify your face and body. Don’t allow external (and false) influences like social media and television to damage your opinion of yourself.

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  1. Woman with ‘the world’s biggest lips’ is getting even more injections.” NY Post. Andrew Court. December 3, 2021.
  2. Meet Andrea Ivanova, The 24-Year-Old Bulgarian Woman With The ‘Biggest Lips In The World’.” All Thats Interesting. Marco Margaritoff. December 6, 2021.
  3. Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Disorders.” Psychology Today. Michael Reilly, MD, and Keon Parsa, MD. April 28, 2020.