Jade Small
Jade Small
January 24, 2024 ·  2 min read

Most People See A Black Crow In This Picture – But What Is It Really?

While enjoying my morning coffee, I stumbled across this image of a crow. Apparently, the entire internet is in awe of this bird because everyone is talking about it. If you take a closer look at the image, you may notice something a bit peculiar about this specific type of bird.

black cat looks like a crow
Is this a crow?

Upon further inspection, you might notice there is something a bit off about the beak. Maybe the shape of the head is strange too…

The image was shared by Robert Maguire on Twitter, with the caption “This picture of a crow is interesting because…it’s actually a cat.” So, no, it’s not a crow! Imagine my surprise after trying to determine what kind of bird this was who was casually enjoying an afternoon on the bathroom tile. It wasn’t a bird at all, but a cat! If you tilt your head sideways, you notice the “beak” is actually the ear of the black kitty.

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Even that tail of the cat could be confused for a crow’s tailfeather. Crazy, right?

Maybe we need some more education on crows, especially if we are going around confusing them for cats. I mean, it’s not even the same species. Aren’t they supposed to be mortal enemies- cats and birds? Let’s get some facts and spread corvid awareness.

Image by Alexis from Pixabay

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Facts about Crows:

Did you know that these are some of the smartest birds in the avian kingdom? According to OneKindPlanet, crows have the largest brain-to-body ratio in all birds, besides parrots. “The body to brain ratio of a crow is the equivalent of a chimpanzee! This means that it is not far off that of humans.” Whoa.

They also have one amazing memory. Sometimes these birds will move their food 2 to 3 times, just to keep it safe. And, surprisingly, they always remember where they leave it. It’s been noted that crows and ravens also remember how someone treated them. I hope they don’t find out about this cat mistake.

Another interesting fact is that these animals mate for life. When they find a partner, that’s it, that’s the one! They even hold “funerals” for the ones who pass. While it might not be how we would conduct a funeral, it’s still a pretty amazing thing to consider how alike we really are to those we share the planet with.

Not picky eaters, crows can ingest over 1,000 different types of food. From worms to insects, to scavenging pretty much anything, they rarely go hungry. Besides being super clever, they are also rather sneaky. These birds will watch another species of bird build their nest, follow their patterns, and steal the food left there to feed fledgling birds. Ah, the circle of life.

If you enjoy birds and want to keep them safe and happy, leave some water out for them to bathe in, or to drink, and make sure to change it frequently. They’ll appreciate it, especially in this weather.

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