Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

May 13, 2022

Britney Spears fans plead for her to stop as she repeatedly posts same racy snap

Late last year we finally saw the end of Britney Spears’ conservatorship. The singer now has full ownership of her finances, her career, and her life – this includes her Instagram account. Recently, fans are asking some serious questions about some of the photos she’s been posting. These photos – a string of nude photos – are upsetting to some, while others continue to cheer her on.

Britney Spears’ Fans Asking Her To Please Stop Posting Nude Photos

Britney Spears has 41 million followers on Instagram and a massive fan base. We saw how admiring and supportive that fan base is last year with the #freeBritney movement. Recently, however, even some of her most adoring fans are questioning the singer’s choices about what she is posting on Instagram. (1)

Post #1

Three days ago Britney began posted a carousel of the same nude photo using various filters. She has her hands covering her boobs and a heart emoji covering her lower privates. She captioned the photo:

“Photo dump of the last time I was in Mexico BEFORE there was a baby 👶🏼 inside me … why the heck do I look 10 years younger on vacation”

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While some of her followers were supportive, commenting things such as “hotney” and “u r doing amazing sweetie”.

“For years, Britney was forced to be silent and controlled against her will so others could gain money and power. They tried to destroy her, but she’s resilient. If she wants to pose naked then that’s her right. If it makes you uncomfortable… GOOD.” wrote another.

The majority of the comments, however, are not overly positive. Most asked questions like “why” and for her to please not.

“Babydoll you need some real friends. Friends don’t let you post stuff like this. I mean that with love ❤️ think about your babies” said one.

“This has to be embarrassing for teen sons” said another.

Many others commented that this seemed like some kind of cry for help or were worried for her well being. Still, many more commented back at those people saying that she was free. It is her instagram and she can post what she wants.

“oh but no one bats an eye when Kim k has a sex tape or literally over sexualizes her body everyday on the internet. But what brittneys doing is crazy ok” said one commenter.

Post #2

The next day she posted another carousel of nearly the exact same photo just a slightly different and pose. This group of photos she captioned:

“Don’t underestimate the power of doing it myself and shooting with a selfie stick 🤳🏻 !!! Photo dump before there was a child 👶🏼 inside me 😜 !!!”

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Again, there were plenty of positive comments from people cheering her on. She certainly has a subsection of fans devoted to her no matter what.

“If this is what makes Britney feel free and gorgeous then that’s that + I support!! Be free beauty queen” wrote one.

“For the people that spread negative s**t here shut up and let her enjoy” said another.

A third commented: “girl is forced to be a sex symbol since she was a teenager and now that she has that power back and control over her own body yall are up in arms. Stop hating women lol”

Of course, that didn’t stop the barrage of fans again questioning why she was continue to post these carousels.

“I really like Britney but I am so worried about her. Why???? Who is her publicist???? Once it’s out there, it’s OUT THERE. Xx” said one commenter.

“Ugh wtf is happing?! Maybe someone should do a well check?!” said another.

Post #3

She followed up the first two posts with another similar carousel. Again, you can tell these photos were taken at the same time as the last two posts. She just slightly changed her poses each time. This carousel came with the caption:

“I love you all SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO much 💋💋💋 !!!!”

Many people commented back with “and we love you” and “love you queen!” type comments. Still, a huge portion of her fan base was basically begging her to stop. “No more naked pictures please,” said many. Many others simply commented “why” and “too much tbh”.

Other commenters asked those commenting positive things to please stop. They say that they are giving her affirmation to continue posting these photos. There were those concerned for her wellbeing, her sons, and of course, any young girls and women who may follow her. Plenty of others, however, praised her for embracing her body and her freedom to post whatever she wants to.

Whatever your opinion, Britney Spears can and clearly will post whatever she wants on her socials. After all, they are hers. Nothing random strangers comment on her Instagram will change that. The only way those photos are going away is if Instagram themselves take them down. It doesn’t appear that they are planning to do so any time soon.

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  1. Instagram