Chloe Crawford

Chloe Crawford

December 11, 2023

Can You Find the Butterfly Hidden Among the Sunflowers?

Can you find the butterfly that’s hidden in this picture below?

I have to warn you; it’s a tough one. It seriously took me zooming into the picture and scanning every single row until I spotted the bugger. However, I have faith that you can complete this challenge much easier than I could which is why I’m sharing it with you. 

Okay are you ready? Here we go. 

Find the butterfly in this picture

Image Credit: Gergely Dudás – Dudolf | Instagram

I know this picture seems warm and endearing, but if you’re having as hard a time finding the butterfly as I did, it will get frustrating very fast. And no, I’m not scamming you; there actually is a butterfly! 

Did you find the butterfly?

So, did you have any luck? If you haven’t been able to find it, don’t worry – we’ve all been there.

I’m going to help you out a little bit and give you a hint. Look at the picture one last time, but this time, focus on the image’s top-left area. 

Image Credit: Gergely Dudás – Dudolf | Instagram

Did you find the butterfly? If you did, congratulations! You have an incredible skill to identify detail. 

Spoiler alert

For those of you who are still looking, only continue reading if you’re ready for a spoiler alert because I’m about to show you where to find the butterfly. 

Image Credit: Gergely Dudás – Dudolf

I’m not sure if you feel the same, but every time I see the solution after, I couldn’t solve it myself; I feel, well, like I’m not the smartest person in the room.

But I have to admit; this one was really hard. So, if you’re like me and had a tough time finding the butterfly – don’t beat yourself up too much; we just need some more practice.

These wonderful images were created by Gergely Dudás. If you want to see more of them, you can check out his Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.

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