The Hooters uniform has always been one of the more revealing waitress uniforms in the industry. This time, however, the servers – known as Hooters Girls – say the company has gone too far. They have been taking to various social media sites to share their disdain for the new, shockingly short shorts. (1)
Hooters Employees Are Protesting The New Uniform Shorts
The famous Hooters uniform has generally always consisted of a white branded tank top, white sneakers, pantyhose, white socks, makeup, and bright orange shorts. The shorts have always been on the short side. Recently, however, employees received an updated version of the shorts and it has many servers ready to quit. Hooters employees have taken social media by storm to share their concerns over the new shorts, which they liken to underwear.
“Love my job but don’t love wearing undies to work.” wrote one employee in her TikTok video caption. love my job but dont love wearing undies to work ☠️ ##hootersgirl @Kirsten 🙂
♬ Jenna_Did_it – Chy
Many also pointed out the double standard of this uniform change. Apparently, in their interview, they are told that they need to always ensure their butt is covered. These shorts do not follow that standard whatsoever. In many of the videos, the employees hold up the old uniform shorts versus the new ones to show just how drastically different they are.
@carrlee.j #hooters #hooterstiktok #hootersgirls #fyp #OneSliceChallenge
♬ MONEY – 리사 (LISA)
Viewers Agree
Many of these videos have gone viral on TikTok. The majority of viewers agree with the girls’ concerns. Others wonder if they are even legal for health and safety reasons. After all, Hooters is still a dining establishment above all else. They are leaving comments on the videos asking how these articles of clothing could possibly even be considered shorts at all.
“Shorts is a strong word.” commented one user.
“Those aren’t shorts, those [are] swimsuit bottoms.” agreed another.
The Right To Refuse
A viewer commented on one of the girls’ videos saying that all employees should legally be allowed to refuse to wear them. They pointed out that when the girls were hired, they agreed to a certain kind of uniform. Considering that this uniform change is rather drastic and potentially unsanitary, they should have the right to refuse to wear it.
Read: A Man Once Sued the Cheesecake Factory For Being Way Off With Their Math
The CEO Response
According to TikTok user and Hooters employee, whose video protesting the shorts went viral, the CEO contacted her. In a follow-up video to her original, she says the CEO of Hooters told her that, in response to all the videos, employees would have a choice. If they wanted to wear the new uniform they could, but they can also continue to wear the old version if that’s what they prefer. couldn’t have done it without all of you ❤️ ##hootersgirl
♬ sonido original – DIABLO_FFツ
Not The First Hooters Controversy
This isn’t the first time Hooters has been on the receiving end of some bad press. Just last month, the company came under fire again for the terribly low wages that they pay their servers. A Hooters employee uploaded a TikTok video about the shockingly low wages Hooters girls receive, despite being the restaurant’s main attraction and the CEO’s $500 million salary. The salary of a Hooters girl allegedly ranges from $2 and $10 per hour, depending on where the server works. (2)
“Hey Hooters!” I saw you made a profit of 500 million this year! And between 100 million-500 mill average every other year. And that’s super cool! But the girls, who who are your main attraction make 2.13 an hour and rely on tips,” she said. “in our guides you say ‘we are not just waitresses but entertainers’ and we bus and set up for opening and closing, for basically free, so lets talk”.
She went on to explain some of the expenses that come along with being a Hooters waitress, such as expensive makeup that they are required to wear. Next, she talked about a minimum wage strike that was to happen in North Carolina sometime in the near future. Some Democrats have been calling for a higher federally-mandated minimum wage, however, that has yet to come to fruition.
Keep Reading: Server gets $2k tip, but restaurant says it can’t process a tip that big
- Independent