Mark Zuckerberg
Julie Hambleton
Julie Hambleton
January 2, 2024 ·  3 min read

Mark Zuckerberg is Creating an Apocalypse-Proof Compound in Hawaii for His Family

Mark Zuckerberg, the renowned founder of Facebook, has caused quite a stir with his latest venture – an apocalypse-proof compound in Hawaii for his family. Situated on the picturesque island of Kauai, this $270 million project has drawn comparisons to a Bond villain’s lair. However, as construction progresses on what is apparently being called “Koolau Ranch,” it has become clear that not everyone is pleased with the tech mogul’s audacious development plans.

The Unveiling of Koolau Ranch

Spanning a vast 1,400 acres, Koolau Ranch is more than just a private estate. With two mansions, a set of smaller buildings that resemble a small village, and extensive security measures, the compound goes beyond the ordinary. The two main houses boast an array of amenities, including elevators, offices, conference rooms, and industrial-sized kitchens. Additional structures encompass a full-size gym, various pools, saunas, a hot tub, a “cold plunge” pool, and even a tennis court. However, it is beneath the surface where things become intriguingly peculiar. (1)

Uncovering the Underground

According to plans submitted to Hawaiian planning authorities, an underground tunnel will connect the two main mansions. This tunnel serves as a pathway to a 5,000 sq ft bunker designed for living and sleeping accommodations, along with a mechanical equipment room and an “escape hatch.” The bunker’s entrance will feature a metal door reinforced with concrete, reminiscent of military-grade bunkers and bomb shelters. To further enhance security, the compound will be equipped with an extensive network of surveillance cameras and hidden interior doors accessible only via keypad. Whether Zuckerberg knows something we all don’t know or not, it certainly seems as though he is preparing his family for an imminent apocalypse. 

Local Backlash and Environmental Impact

The breathtaking island of Kauai, often referred to as the “Garden Isle,” boasts lush rainforests and is a serene haven for its residents. However, the arrival of Zuckerberg’s ambitious compound has sparked outrage among the local population. Reports suggest that many see it as a form of colonization and an intrusion on their way of life. The island has been the backdrop for numerous movies, including Jurassic Park and Pirates Of The Caribbean, highlighting the area’s untouched beauty. Locals fear that the construction and presence of such an ostentatious project will disrupt the island’s natural harmony and charm. It is also privatizing a big portion of land, meaning that a beautiful stretch of coastline that was once available for public use is now off limits to long-time residents. This just continues a growing trend of the world’s richest people buying up land in Hawaii to build luxury homes, meanwhile the Hawaiian people can less and less afford to live on their own land. (2)

The Fight for Hawaiian Identity

In The Descendants, a film that explores a Hawaiian family’s resistance against a luxury development encroaching upon their pristine coastline, there are eerie parallels with the current situation. While Mark Zuckerberg’s compound may provide ample space for his family’s needs, it appears to come at the expense of the local community’s cultural identity and environmental heritage.

Mark Zuckerberg’s creation of an apocalypse-proof compound in Hawaii has ignited both fascination and frustration. While the tax-paying billionaire seeks to protect his family from potential disasters, the project has stirred controversy among the island’s residents. The clash between Zuckerberg’s ambitions and the local community’s concerns epitomizes the struggle between personal prerogatives and the preservation of cultural and environmental integrity. As the saga unfolds, it remains to be seen how the story of Koolau Ranch will resonate in the rich tapestry of Hawaiian history.

Keep Reading: Facebook’s Own AI Chat Bot Calls Mark Zuckerberg ‘creepy and manipulative’


  1. Why is Mark Zuckerberg building a private apocalypse bunker in Hawaii?” The Guardian. Hamilton Nolan. December 21, 2023.
  2. Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound.” Wired. Guthrie Scrimgeour. December 14, 2023.