Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

July 11, 2024

18 Things Most Americans Want Banned

A lot of people in the United States want to see certain things banned. Some of these things make the news, but most people don’t pay much attention to the others. Let’s look at 18 annoying things that a lot of Americans want to be banned for good.

1. Daylight Savings

A Pocketwatch
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Since it’s daylight savings time, we have to change our clocks twice a year. But not everyone likes this. People who want to ban it say that it makes it hard to sleep and serves no purpose now. They think that committing to one time would help us get more done and avoid the chaos and irritability that come with having to change our plans at the last minute.

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2. Door-to-Door Sales

A salesman
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A lot of places are trying to get rid of door-to-door salespeople because they want to protect people’s privacy and stop scams. Since they tend to hurt older people the most, I guess that makes sense. Besides, our world is becoming more and more digital, so having these actual salespeople isn’t really useful anymore.

3. Bright Billboards

A billboard
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When you drive through some of the most beautiful parts of our country, you may find that big signs have blocked out the view. Some people want to get rid of these big ads so that these spots look more natural. They think that this will make people’s lives better and protect tourists in places that depend on these untouched views.

4. Disposable Vape

Disposable Vapes
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You can find vapes almost everywhere. Unfortunately, most of them are disposable, so they end up in dumps and on the streets as trash. Environmental and health activists say that disposable vapes should be banned because they would clean up the scene and keep young people from becoming hooked. Don’t you want a better world where no one smokes?

5. Exotic Pets

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Having a lion or python as a pet sounds crazy, and that’s the problem with them. People who fight for animal rights want to ban them because they think the animals live in bad situations that put other people in danger. Some people think that if you banned unusual pets, non-native and invasive animal species would also be less of a threat.

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6. Pesticide Playgrounds

A playground
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Of course, kids and chemicals don’t go together, which is why some people want to stop pesticides from being used on parks. They want to make sure that both kids and people can play safely in those parks and playgrounds. Why should you blame them? It would also be good for the earth to get rid of pesticides.

7. Fireworks

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No matter how much you love them or hate them, fireworks can be a real pain. A lot of people think we should get rid of them because they make a lot of noise and are dangerous. They also think that not letting fireworks go off would protect the public and our pets.

8. Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition
Image Credits: Shutterstock

A lot of people are worried about being tracked every time they go to the mall or the park because they don’t like the idea of face recognition technology being used in public. They don’t like how “Big Brother” it is and want to ban technology that goes too far. They’re also scared that it will be abused and that people won’t usually give their permission.

9. Artificial Glass

Artificial grass
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Some people think that fake grass should not be allowed at all because they believe it makes homes hotter and adds too much plastic to the environment. In the end, nothing beats the feel of real grass under your feet. People who say this say we should do more to help local wildlife, because it would be better for everyone.

10. Pet Rent

A couple with a pet dog
Image Credits: Shutterstock

A lot of pet owners are upset about pet rent because they think it’s unfair to have to pay extra just because they have a furry family member. They think that pets should not be charged rent. Instead, they should be charged a deposit or, even better, not charged at all. They want to make it easier for everyone to have a pet.

11. Smoking in Parks

No smoking sign in a park
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Because no parent wants to take their kids to the park and have to dodge cigarette smoke, a lot of people want parks to be smoke-free. Everyone should be able to enjoy clean air and room, especially kids who like to run. People who support this rule also say that it would clean up the air and cut down on litter.

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12. Leaf Blowers

Leaf blower
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Gas-powered leaf blowers are being banned in more towns for a number of reasons. They not only make too much noise, but they also put out chemicals that are bad for the environment. To be honest, a rake works just as well and is much quieter. A lot of people want electric options that are much quieter and not nearly as bad.

13. Microbeads

Hand sanitizer
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The tiny beads in your face scrub may make your skin smooth, but when you flush them down the drain, they hurt sea life. A lot of Americans who care about the environment want these plastic polluters to be banned so that our water stays clean. Nature is the most important thing after all.

14. Social Media Algorithms

Social media on devices
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Everyone and any tech expert can try to block certain social media algorithms every day. They are made to be as addicting as gaming, so they can keep you hooked for hours and spread fake news. We should not let our tools mess with our minds. Things should stay real.

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15. Robocalls

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Robocalls are the worst because they’re so annoying and almost always fake. That’s one thing we can all agree on. Some people want the government to ban them because they don’t do anything helpful. It’s clear that a ban wouldn’t be fair to everyone who works in these jobs.

16. Junk Mail

Mail on laptop
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Are you getting a lot of flyers and ads that you didn’t ask for? There are other people who are tired of it too. A lot of people want to ban all junk mail that wasn’t asked for because it’s bad for us and the earth. Most of the time, people don’t want to deal with extra paper that they haven’t asked for.

17. Overwatering Lawns

Watering lawn
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Some people want to stop watering their lawns too much in places like California, where every drop of water counts. If we have native plants and rocks instead of lush green grass, they think it will help us save water and make our yards more resistant to drought. Let’s not forget that we need to be smart with the things we have.

18. Ultra-Bright Headlights

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Some cars have really bright headlights that have stunned us all before. A lot of drivers want those very bright LED headlights to be banned because they think they can blind other drivers, especially on dark roads with lots of turns. In any case, there’s no reason for anyone to have this kind of light.

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