Leah Berenson Profile Overview

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

Leah is driven by learning and adventure. She has studied Journalism, Early Human Development, and Culinary Arts. When she’s not writing she can be found reading or hiking the Southwest.
 · 5 min read

Why Is Jesus Depicted As Being White?

Like many people around the world, I grew up going to Church. Every single Sunday, I went to Church with my family. My parents went to the regular sermon and I went to Sunday school – aka church for kids. I grew up reading picture books, watching movies, and being told stories about Jesus and […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Inside a ‘Dystopian’ Apartment Block Where That Houses Over 20,000 Residence

Deemed a “Dystopian Apartment,” a building in China has recently gone viral on TikTok. Incredibly, it has the ability to host up to 30,000 residents. The video was posted by @fatheristheone using a drone and caught people’s attention for more than just the impressive interior and unique design. People were also astonished after seeing footage […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Woman Sees ‘Sticks’ On Her Ceiling and is Shocked When She Finds Out What They Really Are

Home invaders like carpenter ants, wasps, and other wood-boring insects can cause mayhem. They eat away at wooden structures until they collapse or have suffered irreparable damage when left unnoticed for long periods of time. For many who rent, the situation can be disruptive, while for homeowners, it can become costly. In a strange turn […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Every Person with Blue Eyes is a Descendant of One Single Person

It’s said that the eyes are the window to the soul. When viewed up close it is easy, however, to note that eyes are far from transparent. If you’ve ever looked at up-close images of the iris, you may have noticed incredible patterns. These patterns resemble stormy skies, thriving trees, or crystal blue waters. What […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Why Do Americans and Brits Drive on Opposite Sides of the Road?

While there are several notable similarities between differing cultures and countries, there are also many differences as well. For example, in many parts of the world, they drive on the left side of the road. Meanwhile, other countries drive on the right. Although this information has left many wondering why, it turns out there are […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

The People Who Claim That They Found Noah’s Ark

There’s some debate regarding whether or not, biblical stories are fact or fiction. Some would argue the stories are merely adaptations of what really happened, while others live their whole lives according to those teachings. No matter which you believe, it is fascinating, when someone stumbles upon a supposed artifact, such as Noah’s Ark. The […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Woman Gives Warning After Losing an Eye in Minor Car Collision

Although the invention of things like cars has made life exponentially easier, it’s also created some serious safety hazards to be aware of. For example, in 2021, Hannah Oliver, a young woman from America, was in a car collision and suffered an unusual and equally terrifying injury. She has since made it her mission to […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

There’s a Collapsable Prefab Home – and it’s Only $35k on Amazon

This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Societal expectations have changed significantly over the years. Once the picture of wealth, extravagant homes and decor have become a hassle. In other words, it is something to hold people back from things […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer