Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

February 4, 2021

The US has ‘Lost Its Place’ as a Human Rights Leader, According to Jimmy Carter. What Can Be Done?

In a speech made in 2018, former president Jimmy Carter said the US has lost its place as a global leader of human rights. This was in wake of former president Donald Trump’s cruel immigration laws that separated children from their families upon arrival at the US border. (1) Today, in 2021, president Joe Biden has a lot of work to do to rectify the former president’s transgressions against human rights both in America and around the world.

Jimmy Carter: The US Has Lost Its Place As A Global Human Rights Leader

At an event at the Carter Center in 2018, former democratic president Jimmy Carter had a lot to say about the impact the former president Donald Trump had so far in terms of human rights. According to Carter, the US has lost its place as a global leader of human rights because of Trump. (1)

“We should be the champion of human rights. We’re a superpower, not based solely on military power; part of that definition should be a commitment to human rights,” Carter stated. “We have lost the long-term commitment to human rights.” (1)

At the time, he was referring to the number of immigrant children separated from their parents at the American border due to barbaric immigration laws imposed by the Trump administration. The reality, as we know it now, goes much further beyond just that one situation. (1)

Human Rights Under Trump

Throughout Trump’s four years as US president, incredible atrocities occurred both in other countries and on home soil. Trump, by and large, turned a blind eye. (2)

At home, he put in place inhumane immigration policies and promoted racism and discrimination. He did almost nothing to address the problem of mass incarceration in America and undermined advancements in women’s rights and those of the LGBTQ+ community. He introduced policies that made it even harder for Americans to access adequate healthcare and deregulated industries that put his own citizens’ health and safety at risk. (2)

Globally, not only did he turn a blind eye to many atrocities happening in countries around the world, he actively partnered with some dictators and abusive governments. (2)

Upset at China, the Trump administration completely pulled out of the World Health Organization (WHO). Not only is this a financial blow to the international organization, but it also means that countries like China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have more opportunity to influence international human rights policies. (3)

Trump’s Language Was Cause For Concern

While he did outwardly condemn some nations for their human rights violations, even the way Trump spoke about human rights (in the midst of committing several of his own) sounded much more along the lines of dictatorship than a democracy. (4) In a speech at the UN in 2019, he said this:

“The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.” (4)

To top everything off, in 2019, hate crimes in the United States reached a 16-year-high since Trump took office. American Muslims were many of the targets, and the, now former president, refused to speak out against them. (4) All of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The US Has Lost Its Place: What Can Be Done Make Them A Human Rights Leader Again

It will take a lot of work and time for the Biden administration to reverse all of Trump’s transgressions. It will take more to move America further ahead in human rights than it ever was before. If Biden can make human rights central to American policy, he can make important bills harder to reverse after his presidency. (5)

Most importantly, he needs to talk about human rights – a lot. To his cabinet, to his opponents, and his people. Countries worldwide have formed coalitions and groups to actively investigate and fight back against other countries’ abusive governments. The United States needs to re-join those conversations to be seen once again as a country that cares about its own people and other people around the world. (5)

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  1. “Jimmy Carter: The US has ‘lost its place’ as a leader in human rights.” CNN. Sophie Tatum and Keith Allen. July 24, 2018.
  2. United States: Events of 2019.” HRW.
  3. How China Outsmarted the Trump Administration.” The Atantic. Anne Applebaum. November 2020.
  4. President Trump’s Alarming Human Rights Agenda at Home and Abroad.” The American Progress. Alexandra Schmitt. December 10, 2019.
  5.  “Biden Can’t Make Washington a Beacon for Human Rights by Returning to Business as Usual.” HRW. Kenneth Roth.