Jade Small

Jade Small

January 2, 2024

‘I’m a proud mistress: Here are the 4 lies cheating men tell you’

Have you ever wondered whether or not your man is cheating on you? You’ve probably studied his behaviors in the hopes that you will find some sign that will convince you either way? One woman who slept with many cheaters has shared the intel she has gained over the years as a mistress. 

Today, our story is about a woman who has openly confessed to being a mistress. And, she sure is proud of it. By proud, we mean that she is not ashamed. And by no means should anyone be ashamed of their sexual activities. But, many people think you should if you are being unfaithful to your partner, and Amy is not in a relationship. Therefore, technically she is not being unfaithful. This is why Amy Kupps, a 32-year old former teacher, has shared the truth. She claims these are the four different lies that men will spew to their wives. All because they are cheating on their partners. 

Amy Kupps self confessed mistress
Jam Press/@amy.kupps93

What Cheaters Tell Their Partners

Kupps is convinced that all cheaters create red flags that most partners overlook. Whether they realize it or not. You can always choose to be ignorant in your relationship. Or, you can carry on reading so that you are aware. That way, if something comes up that seems suspicious and you think your partner might have a mistress, you know whether or not to act on it.

Here are some of the dead giveaways that she has noticed:

The first lie a cheating husband will tell their partner, according to Amy, is that. “meeting up with a friend for a quick drink.”. In the eyes of mistress Kupps, this is the gateway lie to a marriage of cheating.

“He’ll likely say, ‘I have meetings and am traveling all week for work,. Amy warns other women, and men, that they must not be so gullible. You should not always believe that your husband is constantly traveling for work. They are more than likely nearby at a hotel with another person. He’ll say something like, “They’ll tell their wives not to wait up all night waiting for them.” Kupps says that women should be wary of men who are always working late. This is a massive red flag in her eyes. 

Another warning sign is if your husband is all secretive with his mobile phone. Like if he answers calls and goes into another room altogether. Or, he might tell her to not phone him when he is at work. He may claim it is because the “boss will get upset if they take personal calls.”. The last lie is a no-brainer. According to Amy, he will say something like. “I’ve got a new credit card but it’s just for work. So don’t worry about it.” – Sure honey, don’t spend it all in one place. This is a giant red flag for those who have joint bank accounts. It means he probably knows you are watching where he is swiping the card, so he got himself an incognito card.

Amy Kupps self confessed mistress
Jam Press/@amy.kupps93

Read: Girlfriend Donates Left Kidney to Boyfriend to Save His Life, Gets Cheated on & Dumped by Him

A Confident Mistress

So, at 32 years old, Amy Kupps has made up her mind. She is a proud homewrecker. She has decided that she prefers to sleep with men who are already married. Of course, this is the nightmare of their partners. Those who might be desperately trying to hold their marriage together by a few strands. In an interview with Jam Press, she mentioned. “Cheaters are a thrill in bed. Mainly because they haven’t been pleased in years so they are willing to do whatever it takes to get me excited.”

This is quite the obnoxious attitude to her sexuality. A lot of people might just assume that she is unable to hold a real relationship of her own. Turns out, Amy is only interested in sex it seems. She said, “I tend to go for men in their late 30s or 40s. They are much more romantic, financially stable, and experienced in bed.”

So ladies and gents, if you know that Amy is in the neighborhood, hold onto your husbands! Some of you know with certainty that you do not have to be concerned in this department, but if you are unsure, you might appreciate the insight that Amy has to offer. She might be a raging homewrecker, but she is using her power to do some good. She has shared some of the tell-tale signs that a husband might be cheating. All from her personal experience as a mistress.

Amy can see through their façade claiming that there are some very real red flags will make it seem obvious that your hubby is cheating on you. She sees it as an act of public service. And it is up to you how you view her way of life. But, there is no denying that her knowledge and experience is helpful.

Keep Reading: Woman convinces boyfriend’s mistress that he died


  1. I’m a proud mistress: Here are the 4 lies cheating men tell you.” NY Post. Andrew Court. March 18, 2022.