52 Search Results for "iphone "

We rely on our smartphones for communication, information, and entertainment, but sometimes we encounter frustrating moments when our phone’s signal strength diminishes. However, there’s a fascinating trick that involves placing your smartphone next to a full bottle of water. In this article, we’ll explore this intriguing phenomenon and provide insights into improving smartphone reception. We’ll...

Sean Cate

Sean Cate

Wellness Journalist

Sleep, being a fundamental bodily function, might seem like it should come effortlessly. However, for numerous individuals across the nation, achieving a restful night’s sleep quality remains a daily struggle. The reasons for waking up in the middle of the night are multifaceted, encompassing factors ranging from health to environmental conditions. Insomnia, a complex subject...

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Family & Lifestyle Journalist

Do you believe in vampires? Perhaps you like books, movie, and television about the mythical creatures, but likely you don’t actually think they are real. Between the 11th century and 17th century in Poland, however, people did. Not only that, but they actually had a very real fear of them. So much so that they...

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

While charging your phone at night may seem like the most opportune time, experts suggest doing the opposite. Charging Your Phone Day or Night According to Android manufacturers including Huawei, charging your phone during the day rather than at night may help to preserve battery life over time. Their Android smartphone manual includes a warning...

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Science & Technology Journalist