woman receiving lip injections
Jade Small
Jade Small
May 31, 2024 ·  4 min read

Woman with ‘world’s biggest lips’ is now splashing out on her cheekbones

Plastic surgery has made it possible for people to look like anyone they want. It has created a whole new level of individualism, and some people are taking it to the extreme. One woman had so many fillers put into her lips, that she officially has the world’s biggest lips, creating one memorable pout! Now that she is happy in that department, she is moving on to her cheekbones…

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Woman With the World’s Biggest Lips

This is not the first time this particular woman has made her way through the headlines. Andrea Ivanova has made quite the name for herself and her lips. She spent thousands of dollars on various procedures, including 34 lip fillers (to date). She also had breast augmentation, a face lengthening and contouring procedure, and soon she wishes to adjust her cheekbones.

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“I like my lips now, more than before and I feel very good and very happy with them because according to me, with bigger lips I look prettier,” she explained in an interview. “I’ve always wanted to be different, stand out from the crowd, and be more eccentric. In addition to huge lips, I also have a silicone bust, 600 cubic meters of silicone on the breast, a total of 1,200 cubic meters. I also wear more makeup, I like heavy dark, and glamorous makeup, artificial hair, and large eyelashes.”

Andrea has made a new Instagram account, which she stipulates in her bio. She once had 80 thousand followers, but she now has 26,3 thousand. Whatever her reasons were for starting a new account, it has not prevented people from taking an interest. Soon her new account will be as popular as her last as she’s gaining more and more fans every day.

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What Next?

The now 25-year-old Andrea Ivanova started her cosmetic journey in 2018. Fast forward to now, and she has won the title for the world’s biggest lips. Now that she is happy with her massive lips, she wishes to move on to her next project – her cheekbones.

Her fans are eagerly awaiting her updates, but she has already had two hyaluronic acid injections inserted. “I want in addition to the biggest lips in the world, to have some of the biggest cheekbones too,” she said. “I’ve had four hyaluronic acid injections in my cheekbones so far, but I will undergo two more within the week.”

Read: Hang Mioku: Where is She Now? Plastic Surgery Obsession Almost Took Her Life

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The woman with the world’s biggest lips explains how the healing of her new cheekbones worked. She would need to take it easy for three days and ensure no pressure is added to her face. “For the healing process, I need to avoid strong pressure on the face for up to three days afterward,” she said.

Complications With Having the World’s Biggest Lips

Andrea, the cosmetic go-getter, wishes to use her newly defined cheekbones to gain status as a model. But, this is not the end of the body-modification road for her as she still wishes to make her lips even bigger than what they already are. “My aim is to model and gain significant enlargement of them, but of course, I still want bigger lips, too,” she said. “I will continue with more injections in [both] to make them even bigger.”

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Andrea admitted that having the world’s biggest lips are not without their complications. She wants more injections to make her lips even bigger, but she struggles to find a clinic to satisfy her request. According to Andrea, doctors have given her a few warnings about the could-be-fatal dangers of excessive fillers. Regardless, Andrea wishes to receive lips fillers every month no matter the cost. She said, “Every month, I will get more fillers, but I can’t even count how much money I’ve spent in total.”

Naturally, the comments section in her posts is filled with opinions. But, Andrea is strong in her beliefs and ignores the haters. “I don’t worry about people’s comments, as I have my own taste and views on beauty – I follow them strictly,” she said. “Each person should satisfy themselves without fearing or worrying about the opinion of others because the meaning of life is to be happy.”

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Keep Reading: After lip lifting, a woman who almost died from her surgery addiction is now unable to close her mouth


  1. Woman with ‘world’s biggest lips’ is now splashing out on her cheekbones. Mirror. John Bett. February 23, 2023.
  2. 24-year-old woman with ‘biggest lips’ in the world has spent $5,000 on fillers and still wants to go BIGGER.Premier Daily. Julia Hambleton. February 16, 2023.