If a teenager might be planning a school shooting, what should their parents do? Nichole Schubert found herself in this predicament. She was cleaning her 17-year-old son’s room when she found his journal detailing a murder spree. But after a few hours of anguished deliberation, she called the police to inform them about her son’s...
Sarah Biren
Food Journalist
Sarah is a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. She believes that food is the best method of healing and a classic way of bringing people together. In her spare time, Sarah does yoga, reads cookbooks, writes stories, and finds ways to make any type of food in her blender.
The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes found in certain mammals, including humans. Every person has one pair of sex chromosomes in the DNA of every cell. The Y chromosome appears in males, who have one Y and one X chromosome. Meanwhile, females have two X chromosomes.[1] The presence of the Y...
People who’ve survived near-death experiences often use the phrase “my life flashed before my eyes,” and a new study indicates that “life reviews” may not just be a figure of speech. For the first time in history, scientists recorded the activity of a brain as the person died. And it showed brain wave patterns that...
The famous “Aunt Jemima” breakfast brand has been rebranded into the Pearl Milling Company. The new name pays homage to the mill built in 1888 that began producing the well-known pancake mix in 1889. The brand has previously been criticized for its racist origins, which involved a caricature of a Black “mammy” character from a...
Indian Forest Service ranger Parveen Kaswan posted a video on Twitter of elephants exhibiting some unique behavior. A mother elephant led the herd across a street, carrying a dead calf in her trunk. She put it down to eat as the rest of the herd followed. They sniffed and touched the calf, seemingly mourning it....
A mother and daughter had hoped to catch some freshwater fish when they sailed in a tandem kayak on the Mississippi River. But instead, they came face to face with a massive snapping turtle with a dinosaur-like head. The next day, they saw it again, and Shala Holm snapped a photo of the creature as...
Finding a house centipede is its own brand of terror. It doesn’t matter if it’s scuttling across the floor, peering from behind a door, or appearing in a cupboard. These little monsters have 15 pairs of legs and can travel 1.3 feet per second. It’s no wonder why most people are afraid of these creatures,...
Female love dolls have been around since 1968. They’ve evolved from crude figures to increasingly realistic specimens. Then a new version came on the scene: male love robots for women. This concept was revolutionized by Synthetic, a company in the United States. They create surprisingly human-like silicon dolls that could be custom-made to look however...
New research discovered 500-year-old DNA of Native Americans across Asia, showing an unseen-before glimpse into the origins of these ancient people. The team examined the remains of three people who had died centuries ago by a river in the Kamchatka Peninsula in northeastern Siberia and found that their DNA indicated some North American ancestry. But...
Neville Linton, 63, was doing a regular grocery shop on a regular day. However, he found a “frightening” surprise in a bag of broccoli. He had purchased food as usual from an Aldi in West Midlands, England. But a few days later, he opened up the bag while cooking to find a snake snuggled inside...
Katelyn Bowden had no dental insurance from age 18. As a result, her oral health deteriorated, along with her mental health, job prospects, and romantic relationships. Today, she is “a 37-year-old with dentures,” as she announced on Twitter. In her series of tweets, she opens up about an issue rarely talked about, the discrepancies in...
It’s widespread knowledge that smoking is bad for your health. In fact, it’s so widespread, most brands of cigarettes have health warnings on their boxes and packets. But the United Kingdom is going one step further. Conservative Lord George Young plans to introduce a bill to place health warnings on individual cigarettes. These warnings will...