Sarah Biren Profile Overview

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

Sarah is a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. She believes that food is the best method of healing and a classic way of bringing people together. In her spare time, Sarah does yoga, reads cookbooks, writes stories, and finds ways to make any type of food in her blender.
 · 5 min read

A delivery driver says he left a note for a customer who didn’t tip reminding them that he doesn’t work ‘for free’

Many people use DoorDash, GrubHub, Uber Eats, and the like to deliver food straight to their homes. As with many services, the question arises: How much to tip? One delivery driver posted a video on TikTok addressing a customer who didn’t leave any tip. In it, he asked the people why they expected someone to […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Human Waste Dumped From Chinese Ships In South China Sea Visible From Space

Many people have wondered what happens to sewage from boat bathrooms. Unfortunately, reports state that for the 200+ fishing vessels in the South China Sea, the human waste is dumped right into the sea, severely damaging the coral reefs nearby. A U.S. satellite picked up images of the refuse in the sea from space. The […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

I Had No Idea Shipping Container Homes Could Look So Good

From green infrastructure to tiny houses, architects and designers are reinventing the definition of a home. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, people are creating shipping container homes. There are about 14 million containers ‘out-of-service’ in the world, and people are using them as building blocks to create houses, cabins, offices, and […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Archaeologists finally peer inside Egyptian mummies first found in 1615

Many people who viewed tombs and Egyptian mummies felt the same curiosity. Who were these ancient people before they were mummies? It seemed that their stories would remain “shrouded” in mystery until scientists found a new way to reveal them.  Two Egyptian mummies were found in a tomb over 400 years ago. A new study […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Woman convinces boyfriend’s mistress that he died

Everyone loves a good revenge story. Especially when it comes to payback on a cheating spouse or partner. There are tales of the hurt spouse breaking up, breaking the cheater’s possession, or sending evidence of the misbehavior to their friends and family. But one woman took her scheme against her boyfriend’s mistress to the next […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

World’s oldest known wild bird has another chick at age of 70

Wisdom, the Laysan albatross, is the oldest wild bird. And at age 70, she hatched a healthy chick on February 1 of this year. Laysan albatrosses tend to only live for 12–40 years, but researchers found Wisdom in 1956, and she has been alive and kicking ever since. She lives in the wildlife refuge of the U.S. […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Atlanta Turns 7-Acre Vacant Lot into Largest Free Food Forest In the Country

An old pecan farm in Atlanta grew wild from neglect. There were plans to build townhouses that never panned out. So, the land waited for years, close to the Lakewood-Browns Mill community, a food desert where one-third of its inhabitants live in poverty. Then Atlanta came together with the Conservation Fund, local nonprofits, and volunteers […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Flamethrowing Tractors: A New Weapon in the War on Weeds and Pests

Pesticides have long been used in agriculture as an effective means of getting rid of weeds and pests. However, with a rising awareness of the harmful effects of pesticides, land managers today are now looking to flamethrowing tractors that cook weeds to death. That’s right: flame weeding. Most kids grow up wanting their very own […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Backlash over ‘true love’s kiss’ in Disney’s New Snow White ride due to ‘lack of consent’

After Disneyland finally reopened, the newly renovated Snow White ride stirred up controversy. The original ride, Snow White’s Scary Adventures in Disneyland, was replaced by Snow White’s Enchanted Wish. As opposed to the fun but frightening ride of the past, the new one presents a more cohesive and magical story — including the final scene […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Pool installation unearths bones that date back to ice age

Sometimes, life sends the most surprising curveballs. For instance, no one expects a little backyard construction to become an archaeological site. But this just happened in Las Vegas when a couple’s pool installation discovered bones potentially from the ice age. “What we found was when they were excavating the backyard pool, they were cutting through […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer