The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes found in certain mammals, including humans. Every person has one pair of sex chromosomes in the DNA of every cell. The Y chromosome appears in males, who have one Y and one X chromosome. Meanwhile, females have two X chromosomes.[1] The presence of the Y...
People who’ve survived near-death experiences often use the phrase “my life flashed before my eyes,” and a new study indicates that “life reviews” may not just be a figure of speech. For the first time in history, scientists recorded the activity of a brain as the person died. And it showed brain wave patterns that...
The diversity you find in nature is absolutely incredible. There are so many different plants and animals with specific evolutionary traits, that just when you think you’ve seen it all, you’re confronted by something new, interesting, and at times dumbfounding in nature. Animals can range from being one color or color pattern across their species...
In 2016, Wildlife photographer Lewis Kemper, aged 62, was heading a photography expedition in Lake Clark National Park in Alaska. The group stumbled upon the bear family where there were two bear cubs. Some wonderful photos ensued. The heartwarming photographs show the two young bear cubs standing next to each other. The smaller one had...
What may seem like a nightmare to many of us apparently is not all that out-of-the-norm or scary to Australians. A family was enjoying an evening picnic on Christmas Island, Australia, when dozens of giant coconut crabs showed up at the party. These photos will leave you in shock – and maybe not never want...
The French are no strangers to adding warning labels to certain products to help better the health of their citizens. Already they have strict labeling and advertising regulations for tobacco products, and junk food has a label telling consumers to cut back on these and eat more fruits and vegetables. Now, France is introducing a...
Indian Forest Service ranger Parveen Kaswan posted a video on Twitter of elephants exhibiting some unique behavior. A mother elephant led the herd across a street, carrying a dead calf in her trunk. She put it down to eat as the rest of the herd followed. They sniffed and touched the calf, seemingly mourning it....
A mother and daughter had hoped to catch some freshwater fish when they sailed in a tandem kayak on the Mississippi River. But instead, they came face to face with a massive snapping turtle with a dinosaur-like head. The next day, they saw it again, and Shala Holm snapped a photo of the creature as...
A team of researchers from Conservation International went on a three-week research expedition after ancient ruins were discovered deep within the Mosquitia forest dubbed “the lost city of the monkey god”, or “the white city” [1]. Climate change has had a devastating impact on our planet, an alarming number of animal species have either gone...
In the world’s oceans, there are five offshore plastic accumulation zones. The largest of those is called the North Pacific Garbage Patch and is located halfway between Hawaii and California. Though its location might cause you to assume that the largest contributor would be the United States, specifically the West Coast. New research, however, shows...
The deep mysteries of space have constantly eluded us. With modern technology, we can only tell so much of what might be happening out there. However, a recent discovery has given us foresight of something we had no idea existed. A black hole that is now being claimed as one of the deadliest blazars in...
New research discovered 500-year-old DNA of Native Americans across Asia, showing an unseen-before glimpse into the origins of these ancient people. The team examined the remains of three people who had died centuries ago by a river in the Kamchatka Peninsula in northeastern Siberia and found that their DNA indicated some North American ancestry. But...