
 · 3 min read

Putting solar panels in grazing fields is good for sheep

When we think of symbiotic relationships (aka ones that are mutually beneficial), we typically think of two plants or animals that work well together. Did you know, however, that sheep and solar farms can benefit each other similarly? Sheep living in pasture with solar panels benefit from shade in hot weather and more nutritious grass […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Genetically modified tobacco plant produces cocaine in its leaves

Scientists in China have genetically modified a tobacco plant to produce cocaine in its leaves. Cocaine is a chemical compound called tropane alkaloid, which naturally appears in the leaves of the Erythroxylum coca plant. The drug is infamous for its abuse and highly addictive nature. Still, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Swarming bees stir up their own electric fields

Researchers accidentally discovered that swarming bees can produce an electric charge. Ellard Hunting and his colleagues at the University of Bristol in the UK were tracking weather in a field station. However, their electric field monitors found an increase in atmospheric electric charge although there were no storms around. The researchers realized the charge came […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Wealthy businessman proudly stood next to the two elephants he murdered for photos

A photo of two hunters posing with two small dead elephants sparked outrage online. Featured were Mike Jines, an executive at an energy company, and professional hunter Max “Buzz” Delezenne during an expedition in Zimbabwe. After the photo went viral, Jines received death threats from people enraged at the killing of baby elephants. However, Jines […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Study Finds That Cows Talk To Each Other and Show Compassion Just Like Humans

Believe it or not, cows are not all meaningless mooing and slow blinks. A study suggests that these animals communicate with each other about how they feel through their vocal expressions. Cows may not be the most intelligent creatures out there, but they are some of the compassionate, and humans must learn to respect this.  […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Jonathan the 190-Year-Old Tortoise Was Photographed in 1886 and Today

Happy birthday to Jonathan the giant tortoise, who turned 190 years old this year. He is the oldest living animal, according to Guinness World Records. Additionally, Jonathan is the oldest chelonian — a category of animals that include tortoises, turtles, and terrapins — ever recorded. He resides on the remote tropical island of St. Helena, […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

Inside the ‘Absurd’ Plan to Bring the Amazon Rainforest to Europe

Rang-du-Fliers is a small village in France known for being close to the annual kite festival. Its grey, wind-swept surroundings have been otherwise unnoteworthy. A controversial €72 million (about £63 million) project plans to bring the Amazon rainforest to Europe. The plan is to assemble the largest domed tropical greenhouse in the world by this once unremarkable village.   “This […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

A Comprehensive Guide to Yellow Stripey Things

Having a backyard means getting out to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air with family and friends. Barbecuing, lounging by the pool, planting flowers in the garden, etc.. However what usually comes with beautiful nature and fresh air, is the variety of insects and more particularly, BEES! The spring, summer and early autumn is a […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

Freelance Contributor

 · 3 min read

Everest Is Melting, Revealing Tons of Garbage and Human Bodies

As climate change continues and global temperatures are increasing, the snow and ice at the top of Mount Everest is melting. With that, it is revealing a shocking amount of garbage left by mountain climbers underneath – and human bodies. Now, there are teams tasked with the job of removing it all, which is in […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

These Great Danes were Found Abandoned and Emaciated

Animal abuse stories are gut-wrenching. Beyond the horror of seeing a living being tortured, there’s an element of betrayal. The human owner is expected to love and provide for the animals. Their welfare becomes the human’s responsibility. When this trust is betrayed, it leaves the animal not only physically but psychologically damaged. Many are never […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

Freelance Contributor