Have you ever looked at a shed and thought “Hmm… if done the right away, that could actually make a great little home.”? Well, you are in luck: in the area of prefab tiny homes, a tuff shed tiny home could be in your future. Home Depot Tuff Shed Tiny Homes Home Depot’s Tuff Shed...
Charlotte Sapwell was 27 and homeless when her marriage ended, leaving her as the single mother of two boys. She dismissed the option of a house with a mortgage draining her limited funds. Instead, she built her own miniature home for just $10,000. This single mom’s tiny home in Ballarat, Victoria, put a roof over her family’s...
America’s oldest indoor shopping mall has been completely re-imagined since it was first built in 1828. Its three storeys were once a haven for retail therapy, but its doors were shut to the public when it went out of business in 2008. Of course, as you might have guessed, that wasn’t the end of the...
The first-ever 3D-printed tiny house now has its first occupant. The tiny house design from ICON has transformed from a concept into a practical living solution. As has the life of Tim Shea, a man homeless up until this point been transformed as the first 3D-printed tiny house resident. It shows that this project is...
Mobile homes are all the rage these days because it allows the homeowner to take their home with them. Many nomads travel the country working in small towns. At the same time, others travel the globe in search of hidden gems and exotic adventures. Social media has provided any and everyone with a platform to display...
In a country that appears to take so much pride in its war veterans, a shocking number of those men and women find themselves homeless when their service is done. This non-profit organization has built a village of tiny homes for homeless veterans to help them get back on their feet. Tiny Homes for the Homeless Veterans According to...
One of the biggest barriers to escaping homelessness is lack of a safe place to rest your head at night. When you provide someone with a safe, warm bed at night, a place to shower, regular meals, and a sense of community, it’s amazing what they can overcome. That is the goal of this brand-new...
Whether you’re looking for a shed, student house, granny pod, RV, vacation home, workshop, office, or animal shelter, or you’re looking to seriously downsize your current living situation, look no further. These arched tiny home kits are just what you’re looking for to fill that need. (1) Arched Tiny Home Kits by Arched Cabins Arched...
Think back to when you were nine years old: what were your biggest concerns at the time? Whether you could sit next to your best friend in class? That you would do well in your next piano recital? Why your parents didn’t agree that a bag of candy wasn’t a suitable option for your lunch?...
As finding an affordable home becomes increasingly more difficult, people are turning to alternative ways of living. For some, this means being able to convert a retired school buses into tiny homes. It can take a while to refurbish a school bus into a livable home. However, if you’re willing to try, the results can...
Tiny homes are one of the latest trends that everyone can enjoy. Whether you are looking to make one your permanent home, or make use of one for the weekend with your family. Today we are going to bring your attention to Earthen Home. A tiny house facility that offers a place for people to...
Have you ever looked around in your home and thought that you have far more space than you really need? Perhaps you’ve considered downsizing from a large home to a townhouse, or a townhouse to an apartment, but have you ever thought about forgetting a traditional home completely, and going for something even smaller like...