
Being alive is hard. Children, animals, the elderly, and even plants suffer. Life is extremely hard for many around the world. Similarly, sometimes moments happen that cause such great distress one wonders if they’ll ever recover. We all have heard or seen tales of poverty from countries worldwide, reminding us to be grateful for what...

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Science & Technology Journalist

Would you ever consider living in a cave? In the present era, individuals are dwelling in various unconventional residences, ranging from school buses, and sheds to vans. Grant Johnson, a man who opted for such a lifestyle, crafted an astonishing off-the-grid desert home, spanning over 5000 square feet. The residence showcases remarkable craftsmanship, a music...

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Family & Lifestyle Journalist

Do you remember Katrina Bookman? While enjoying herself at the Resorts World Casino in Jamaica, Queens, Katrina achieved an extraordinary feat. She won the largest slot machine prize in American history. Her remarkable fortune amounted to an astonishing $42,949,672, which would have undoubtedly made her the recipient of unimaginable wealth. After her huge win, Katrina...

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Family & Lifestyle Journalist

Researchers are finding more and more uses for medical cannabis. The latest of these is cannabis-based antibiotics that have the ability to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. (1, 2) Cannabis-Based Antibiotics At the beginning of last year, separate studies at McMaster University in Canada and the University of Queensland found that cannabis-based antibiotics might just be what...

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

It’s hard to fathom how much money one billion dollars is, let alone $180.6 billion – Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos’s current net worth. Irish-American fantasy novel writer Theresa Searcaigh posted this question on her Twitter feed: If billionaires have so much money, why don’t they use it to end poverty? (1,2) Tumblr user Olivesawl responded,...

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer