
 · 2 min read

Good News For Greece As Renewables Fully Power Country For First Time

With the economy of Greece being in trouble for the better part of the decade, the government needed some good news to boost morale. As per a recent report, the electrical system of the country hit an absolutely impressive milestone. It was completely run on clean renewable energy for the first time in its history. […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

He was the first paralyzed human to be treated with stem cells, and he actually regained upper body movement.

Imagine one day you’re driving along, and your life is entirely normal. Then, before you know what happened, you wake up in a hospital bed, paralyzed from the neck down. In 2016, this is exactly what happened to Kristopher Boesen at just 21 years old. Thanks to his participation in being experimentally treated with stem […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 2 min read

Things Got Really Weird When Scientists Gave Young Mice the Blood of Old Mice

Scientists have long been fascinated by the potential for young blood to rejuvenate aging bodies. However, recent research on mice has shown that the reverse may also be true: old blood may have detrimental effects on young bodies1. In this article, we explore the strange effects of giving young mice the blood of old mice […]

Sean Cate

Sean Cate

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

Boeing Whistleblower Who Died After Testifying Left a Note At Scene of His Death

John Barnett made headlines in 2019 when the former quality control engineer of Boeing claimed that the company’s airplanes may be faulty. In particular, he claimed that production line workers are pressured to put sub-standard parts into the aircraft. Boeing was under intense scrutiny at the time after two crashes involving their planes the year […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Country’s First Hydrogen Cars Come to Market, Emitting Only Water and Purifying the Air as They Drive

Hyundai has been leading the way with Hydrogen cars, bringing their first model to the market recently. The Hyundai Nexo SUV and Toyota’s Mirai sedan are powered by hydrogen fuel cells and emit only water, purifying the air as they drive. This is a result of Hyundai’s efforts to reduce emissions from electric vehicles and […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

Could Male Love Robots Replace Men For Good?

Female love dolls have been around since 1968. They’ve evolved from crude figures to increasingly realistic specimens. Then a new version came on the scene: male love robots for women. This concept was revolutionized by Synthetic, a company in the United States. They create surprisingly human-like silicon dolls that could be custom-made to look however […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

World’s First Robot Citizen Sophia Said She Wants To Have A Baby

Do you remember the famous robot Sophia, who launched herself to stardom when she became the first robot citizen of a country in Saudi Arabia? Well, it wasn’t long after that she has decided that she is ready for more. She said family is very important and wants to have her very own robot baby. […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

Freelance Writer

 · 5 min read

The Worst Ways For A Human To Die, According To Science

Dying is never fun, but while dying of natural causes is generally painless, there are several worst ways to die. In fact, some of them are so toe-curling that we wouldn’t wish them on our worst enemies. And that is quite befuddling, considering the human body is built to withstand much pain and suffering. So […]

Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

Freelance Writer